Integral ecology

Virtual meeting on anthropology, affectivity and sexuality

The foundation Roman Academic Center has organized a virtual meeting which will address the anthropological, affective and biological dimensions of sexuality and fertility centered on the person.

Maria José Atienza-September 8, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

The meeting will take place on September 16, Thursday, starting at 8:30 p.m. h. and can be followed online in advance. registration on the website of the Centro Académico Romano Foundation.

Dr. Luis Chiva, director of the Department of Gynecology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and organizer of the Symposium  International Multidisciplinary Meeting on Natural Fertility Recognition which will take place at the university in a few days, will be the speaker at this virtual meeting.

Last July, Luis Chiva granted an interview to the extensive and interesting interview with Omnes in which he emphasized that "sexuality brings into play the most intimate part of our being, bodily and spiritually. Separating it from affectivity turns us into providers of pleasure or soulless animals seeking to satisfy an instinct". He also pointed out how "the natural recognition of fertility is not only for Christians. Natural methods do not fit in the daily life of those who consider their sexual relations without affectivity. But there are many people who, without being Christians, feel that in their sexual relations they compromise much more than a moment of pleasure".

The University of Navarra will host on September 22, 23 and 24 an interesting and multidisciplinary symposium dedicated to the natural recognition of Fertility. A meeting, which can be attended free of charge, not only aimed at those who work in the field of health or family counseling but to everyone who is interested in knowing "the anthropological, affective and biological dimensions of the Natural Recognition of Fertility (RNF) as an instrument of a much broader reality framed in the Theology of the Body".

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