The Pope Francis asks Catholics to pray during the month of October "for a shared mission", that is, the evangelizing task that corresponds to all the baptized. With the Second Session of the Synod beginning on October 2, the Holy Father wants to recall, through this intention, that "all Christians are responsible for the mission of the Church".
Francis explains that "we priests are not the leaders of the laity, but their shepherds". The call of Christ, which is addressed to all equally, reminds us that vocations complement each other, that "we are community". Therefore, the Pope adds, "we must walk together on the path of synodality".
The Pontiff continues his message stressing that all Catholics must "bear witness with our lives and take co-responsibility for the mission of the Church". This responsibility belongs to all the baptized, who "are in the Church in their own house and have to take care of it".
The synod as a sign of co-responsibility
The Pope concludes by asking that "we pray that the Church may continue to support by every means a synodal way of life, under the sign of co-responsibility, promoting participation, communion and shared mission among priests, religious and laity".