
A living being

Omnes-December 3, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

Text: José Miguel Pero-Sanz, director of Palabra from 1969 to 2009

The editor of the magazine that, until today, was called "Palabra" and that I had the honor of directing for 40 years (from 1969 to 2009), asks me for a not very long article. I thank him.

When I received this small assignment, I remembered how, when I asked the writer José María Pemán to write an article for Palabra, his daughters warned me that it should be "short"because his father was not up to much.

Vision for the future

Those of us who have known Palabra magazine since its beginnings are aware that, since its inception, this magazine has always looked to the future. Palabra magazine was born 55 years ago with the idea of accompanying the life of Catholics and to be a reference in the panorama of religious information, accompanying a life supposes, therefore, to develop, to change, to assume new challenges, maintaining the untouchable essence that gives it meaning. 

The progress I am talking about has accompanied the trajectory of the magazine Palabra in every sense, from the physical location of its editorial office in the streets of Hermosilla, Alcalá, Cedaceros, General Porlier and Arturo Soria (I seem to remember that also, for some months, in Gran Vía) to what we could call its "internal" development.

More in-depth has been the evolution that has led it to become a magazine "for the clergy of Spain and Latin America". to the point of addressing a wide public, of a certain cultural level, desirous of serious Catholic information and documentation. Both characteristics of this publication that has experienced key moments in social and ecclesiastical life during its more than half a century of life. 

The journal has also undergone changes in terms of ownership: it has had numerous owners: a natural person, a corporation, or a publishing house, up to the Centro Académico Romano Fundación. Changes that, however, have never altered the heart or the editorial line of this publication. 

What does all this mean? That "Omnes" is a living being, with a rich past, a dignified present and, above all, a fascinating future.

His life has always been forward looking and I am happy to witness his life in this new stage.

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