
Companies have a life. From generation to generation

Rosario Martín Gutiérrez de Cabiedes-December 4, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

Great projects are those that are continually renewed, that do not grow old, because there are people willing to continue the task they undertook in the past, with new ideas and increasingly ambitious destinations. This is the case of our magazine Palabra.

The underlying social changes related to globalization, technological progress and different forms of communication have been accelerated by a society that has suddenly found itself confined. In a few months we have made progress that would have taken years without a pandemic. But pandemic or not, vaccine or no vaccine, these changes are here to stay.

Technological evolution makes it possible to access enormous amounts of information from the remotest corner of the planet. For us, reaching every corner has become an obsession, a pressing need.

At the same time, we are witnessing with bewilderment the negative consequences of an increasingly uninformed society. Fake news" invade communication networks, making it difficult to distinguish reliable sources. We have more information than ever before, but we are misinformed.

In this environment, Palabra magazine, always a reliable, precise and contrasted source, must shine more brightly, like the lighthouse that shows the navigator the safe route. And so, to our obsession to go further, we add this second challenge, to make ourselves more visible where we already are.

However, a major challenge remains: the profound change in today's society. A liquid, diffuse society, without anchor, without commitment, without criteria.

Our magazine wants to provide you with information and answers. Companies and projects have life. They advance by building on what has been built by previous ones. At Palabra magazine we also want to continue growing, without changing our DNA. That is why we are handing over the baton to the CARF Foundation, which will take on the challenges of this new stage as editor of the magazine. A new generation that joins the previous ones and will strengthen it.

I congratulate all of you, because we are going forward stronger than ever.

The authorRosario Martín Gutiérrez de Cabiedes

President of Ediciones Palabra S.A.

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