
Day of prayer to ask for laws respectful of life

Maria José Atienza-December 15, 2020-Reading time: < 1 minute

Spanish Catholics are called tomorrow, December 16, to a day of fasting and prayer to "ask the Lord to inspire laws that respect and promote the care of human life". 

The Day, promoted by the Spanish Episcopal Conference, aims to unite in prayer the Catholics of Spain and all those who wish to adhere to it, in order to "ask the Lord to inspire laws that respect and promote the care of human life". This was stated by the Spanish bishops in the note published on December 11, titled "Life is a gift, euthanasia a failure.".

The imminent approval of the law on euthanasia is a serious setback for Spanish society, which urgently needs to promote the study and practice of palliative care and not the economist and anti-humanist bet that the legislative text on euthanasia implies.

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