Priestly poverty
José María Yanguas
"At the beginning of the present millennium, Pope John Paul II, in view of the new time that was opening up for the Church's action, in which she was to continue the mission received from the Lord, asked himself with the same words that those who first heard the preaching of the Apostles addressed to Peter in Jerusalem: "What must we do, brethren?" (Acts 2:27). The Pope's programmatic response appears as the heading of Chapter III of his Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte and sounds like this: "Starting afresh from Christ", that is, starting again from Christ. And the Pope clarifies the meaning of the phrase by affirming that it is not a question of a new program, because: "the program already exists: it is the same as always, taken from the Gospel and the living Tradition of the Church. Its center is ultimately in Christ himself, whom we must know, love and imitate in order to live the Trinitarian life in him and, with him, transform history until its fulfillment in the heavenly Jerusalem. The Pope then added that this was a program that had to be translated "into pastoral guidelines adapted to the conditions of each community" (n. 29)."
Published by: Omnes
First edition: 20/10/2022
ISBN: 100-84-9715-566-3
Pages: 322
Format: 13.5×20.5
Weight: 375 gr.