
Santi nella vita familiare, un insegnamento centrale nel messaggio di san Josemaría Escrivá

Opus Dei, founded by St. Josemaría Escrivá, is rooted in the need to live contemplation in the midst of the world. Consequently, the vocation and mission of marriage are sanctified.

Rafael de Mosteyrín Gordillo-September 9, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
saint josemaria family

Testo originale del articolo in inglese qui

At the conclusion of the Year of the Family entitled Amoris laetitiaThe key points of this central nucleus of St. Josemaría's teaching are resumed, coinciding with the saint's feast day.

With regard to this curious coincidence, which we can regard as accidental or providential, we would like to recall some of St. Josemaría's advice on marriage and family life.

L'esempio della Sacra Famiglia

The path of sanctity, proper to marriage, has several parts in which the Christian's response develops. St. Josemaría Escrivá explains the means by which identification with Christ is achieved. The absolute answer, how to walk the path of life and reach the goal, is Christ.

The most important and continuous reference is that of the imitation of Christ in ordinary life. The example to follow is that of the Holy Family, so that God is always present in our lives.
St. Josemaría thus shows the need to live contemplation in the midst of the world. Consequently, the vocation and mission of marriage are sanctified.

In his writings a distinction is made between the sanctification of temporal activities, the sanctification of ordinary work and sanctification through family life, procreation and the education of children. In this way the vocation of the layperson, according to the Christian spirit, in the development of the professional, social or marital competencies that make up his or her life.

 Sanctify and sanctify

Starting from the grace of the sacrament of marriage, St. Josemaría Escrivá insisted on the education of his children, the sanctification of the family, the care of the family, the dedication to the profession, etc.

Sono ambititi in cui allo stesso tempo è necessario l'aiuto soprannaturale, che ci viene dalla preghiera e dai sacramenti. Both at home and in the various places in which it operates, the Christian family can gradually develop the specific vocation foreseen by God for each of its members.

Attention to the good of the spouse and children is in marriage a necessary element for the sanctification of both spouses.

The main challenge that St. Josemaría presents to the genitors is that of forming authentic Christians, people who strive to attain and transmit sanctity.

The path of every ordinary Christian is therefore the sanctification of professional work and family and social relationships, attainable with the means of sanctification and apostolate provided by the Church. As means we always refer to participation in the sacraments, prayer and Christian formation.

Marriage and family life are paths of happiness and holiness through sacrificial and generous dedication to the will of God and others.

The teachings of the Rivelazione on the vocation to marriage are seen by St. Josemaría under a new light. This light, derived from the charism that God has given him, is, according to us, his greatest characteristic of originality.

Ora spetta a ciascun battezzato riconoscere la dignità della vocazione matrimoniale e collaborare nel mondo, ciascuno dal proprio posto.

The teaching of St. Josemaría, and his correspondence to the grace of God, has been highlighted by the Church, also with the canonization, which took place in Rome on October 6, 2002.

Analyzing his preaching, we can conclude that the divine call to strive to be holy through marriage and family life is a central message of St. Josemaría Escrivá.

The authorRafael de Mosteyrín Gordillo


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