
Il Papa ha visitato segretamente i tossicodipendenti

It has not been widely used in the international press, but this detail of the Pope's surprise visit to a center for homeless people has been reported by the Canadian media.

Fernando Emilio Mignone-September 8, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

Testo originale del articolo in inglese qui

Traduzione dell'articolo in inglese

As reported by Omnes, Francis had a clear Canadian message. "Di fronte alle ideologie che minacciano i popoli cercando di cancellare la loro storia e le loro tradizioni, la Chiesa si sente interpellata e non vuole ripetere gli errori. Its mission in the world is to proclaim the Gospel and to build unity by respecting and valuing the diversity of each people and each person. For this mission, a key combination is the relationship between children and young people, a dialogue between memory and prophecy that can build a more fraternal and solidary world". These words were spoken by Pope Francis at the audience in the Paul VI Hall on August 3.

In continuity with this message, Francesco always asks not to be afraid of tenure (omelet of March 19, 2013 at the beginning of his Petrine ministry).

Mi sono venute le lacrime agli occhi quando ho letto, in Omnes, della signora Margarita di Santiago. Ebbene, quale coda migliore di quella che seguue, del viaggio papale dal dal 24 al 29 luglio.

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The Montréal newspaper Le Devoir on July 30 titled "Nella casa dei tossicodipendenti in Québec" the secret visit of Francesco to a community for the recovery of homeless people in the Beauport area.
(Quebec City), after the meeting of July 28th in the Basilica of Sant'Anna.

The Redemptorist André Morency, 73 years old, a member of the same congregation that manages the Basilica, founded the Fraternité Saint-Alphonse 30 years ago to take care of the homeless.

A large number of people were able to greet the Holy Father, far from the telecameras. Father Morency was in the seventh heaven. In addition to an icon of the Madonna and Child, the Pope gave him a bust with twenty thousand Canadian dollars when he greeted him. Morency calls the "nameless" people who come to his confraternity, who are persecuted by their demons, killed by the
loro passato e spesso abbandonate, alla deriva.

Costoro "Hanno conosciuto quasi sempre il rifiuto e l'indifferenza. Sono sempre stati presi in giro con quell'atteggiamento".

In the twenty minutes that the Pope spent with them, Father Morency recounts that the Pope, getting out of the car, had a huge smile and a radiant look. "During the official ceremonies, sometimes I saw that he had an abbreviated sign. Quando è arrivato qui è stato il contrario: ha scherzato con noi, aveva la luce negli occhi".

"Ho ancora i brividi." commentano due di coloro che hanno salutato Francesco, "Incredibile!". "La visita papale", riferisce Le Devoir, "ha permesso loro di sentirsi presi in considerazione, per una rare fois (una volta tanto) ,".

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