
Francesco's Feminism, the key to reading his travels in Canada

As is customary on papal trips, Francesco held a press conference during his return trip to Rome. Some questions shed new light on the keys to this trip to Canada.

Fernando Emilio Mignone-September 8, 2022-Reading time: 6 minutes

Testo originale del articolo in inglese qui

Testo del articolo in inglese

The Pope has given an interpretative key to his Canadian signatures by responding to the journalists when on July 29 he flew from Iqaluit to Rome. This trip to Canada, he explained, is closely linked to the figure of St. Anne, to the "dialectal" transmission of faith, which is to women because it is to women.
the Church is mother and wife.

"I have spoken," he said, "of old women, of mothers and women. And I have underlined that faith is transmitted "in the maternal dialect", the dialect of the girls ... This is very important: the role of the woman in the transmission of faith and in the development of faith. It is the mother or the mother who teaches to ask, to explain the first things that the child does not understand about faith... the Church is a woman. I have decided to say this clearly thinking of Saint Anna".

He added a biblical reference, Maccabei 2-7, where it says that "the mother encouraged her children to accept martyrdom in their mother's language".


Indeed, on July 26, Francesco spoke about the transmission of culture and faith in the omelet in front of thousands of families in a city of Edmonton: "Siamo qui qui grazie ai nostri genitori, ma anche grazie ai nostri nonni... Spesso sono sono stati loro che ci hanno voluto bene senza riserve e senza aspettarsi nulla da noi; Ci hanno preso per mano quando avevamo paura, ci hanno rassicurato, ci hanno incoraggiato quando dovevamo decidere della nostra vita. Thanks to our children we have received a care from history.

Many of us have breathed in the house of our children the scent of the Vangelo, the strength of a faith that is from home. Thanks to them we have discovered a family faith, a domestic faith; yes, it is like that, because faith communicates essentially like that, it communicates 'in the mother tongue', it communicates in dialect, it communicates through affection and commitment, care and closeness". "Questa è la nostra storia che va custodita, la storia di cui siamo eredi; siamo figli perché siamo nipoti. The children have imprinted on us the original mark of the
their way of being, giving us dignity, trust in ourselves and in others. Ci hanno trasmesso qualcosa che dentro di non si può mai no si può mai cancellare".

Taking care of the family

"Siamo figli e nipoti che sanno custodire la ricchezza che abbiamo ricevuto? Let's remember the good inscriptions we have made? Let's talk to our children, let's take the time to listen to them?

In our houses, more and more furnished, more modern and functional, do we know how to provide a decorative space where to keep their memories, a special place, a small family sanctuary that, through images and beloved objects, also allows us to elevate our thoughts and our prayers to those who have preceded us? Have we kept the Bible or the rosary of our ancestors? We therefore ask for them and in union with them, we dedicate time to remember them, to preserve their heritage. In the fog of the oblivion that assails our dizzying times, brothers and sisters, it is necessary to take care of the roots".

Lac Sainte Anne (Lake Sant'Anna)

On July 26, in the afternoon, the Pope was one more pilgrim at the sanctuary of Lac Sainte Anne, a place of worship for the indigenous people. There he returned to the argument in question.

"Penso alle nonne che sono qui qui con noi. And there are so many of them. Care girls, your hearts are full of springs from which the living water of faith flows out, with which you have dispensed to your children and grandchildren. I love the vital role of women in indigenous communities. They occupy a very important position because they are
good sources of life, not only physical but also spiritual. And, thinking of all your kokum (women in Cree language), I think of my own. Da lei ho ricevuto il primo annuncio della fede e ho appreso che il Vangelo si trasmette così, attraverso la tenerezza della cura e la saggezza della vita.

Faith is rarely born reading a book alone in a room, but it spreads in a family environment, it is transmitted in the language of the mothers, with the sweet dialect singing of the daughters. Sono felice di vedere così tanti nonni e bisnonni qui. Thank you. Vi ringrazio, and vorrei dire a tutti coloro che hanno anziani in casa, in famiglia, avete un tesoro! Please, keep between your walls a source of life; take care of them as of the most precious heritage to love and keep".

Sanare le ferite

"In this blessed place, where harmony and peace reign, we feel the dissonances of our history, the terrible effects of colonization, the indelible pain of so many families, children and children. Signore, help us to heal our wounds. We know that this requires commitment, attention and concrete actions by
part of us. But we also know, Lord, that we cannot do it alone. Ci affidiamo a te e all'intercessione di nostra madre e di nostra nonna. ... mothers and daughters help to heal the wounds of the heart.

The Church is also a woman, the Church is also a mother. In fact, there has never been a moment in her history in which faith has not been transmitted, in her mother tongue, from mothers and daughters. In fact, part of the painful heritage that we are facing derives from having prevented the indigenous girls from
to transmit faith in their language and culture. This loss is certainly a tragedy, but your presence here is a testimony of resilience and reparation, of a struggle towards the safeguarding, of holding our hearts to God who guards our community being".

Sainte Anne de Beaupré (Saint Anne di Beaupré)

On 28 July, during a meeting at the Sanctuary of St. Anne in Beaupré, Quebec, Francis commented on the Gospel of the two disillusioned disciples on the road to Emmaus. "We speak with faith the Eucharistic Bread, because around the Mass we can rediscover ourselves as beloved children of the Father, called to be all brothers and sisters.

Gesù, spezzando il Pane, conferma la testimonianza delle donne - è risorto! - to whom the disciples had not believed. In this Basilica, where we remember the mother of the Virgin Mary, and in which there is also the crypt dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, we must highlight the role that God wanted to give to women in his plan of salvation. Saint Anna, Blessed Vergine Maria, the women of Easter morning show us a new path of reconciliation, the motherly care of so many women can accompany us - like Chiesa - into new and more difficult times, in which we leave behind so much sterility and so much death, and we place at the center Jesus, the Risen Christ".

Due donne canadesi

Of the eight women who have submitted applications to the air stamp conference, the first two were from Canada. I translate the answers. Jessica Deer of CBC Radio, a student of the interns' students, wanted to know why the pope had missed the opportunity to publicly refute the papal doctrines and doctrines from the time of the conquistadors, which led Catholics to impose themselves on indigenous lands and to consider their inhabitants inferior.

The Pope called on the words of St. John Paul II to condemn the African schiavitu during his visit to the island of Gorée, in Senegal (February 22, 1992: [Isola di Gorée, la porta del non ritorno]); to Bartolomé de las Casas and St. Peter Claver; to the colonialist mentality of then and now, and to indigenous values.

Ha concluso con quanto seguue. Papa Francesco ... "This 'doctrine of colonization' ... it is catholic, it is
ingiusta. Even today it is used, the same thing, with gloves of mushroom, magari... For example, some young people from some countries have told me: 'In our country, when you ask for a loan to an international organization, they put us in colonialist conditions, even legislative. To grant you loans they make you change a little bit your 'life style'. Coming back to the colonization ... of America, that of the English, of the French, of the Spanish, of the Portuguese: there are four (colonial powers) of which there has always been that pericolo, moreover, there is that mentality, 'we are superior and these natives do not count', and this is serious.

For this reason we have to work on what you say: to go back and heal... what has been done in the past, knowing that the same colonialism still exists today. We think, for example, to a global case... the Rohingya, in Myanmar: they have no right to citizenship, they are on a lower level. Also
oggi. Thank you very much!"

La stampa canadese

Brittany Hobson, from the Canadian press agency: "Good afternoon, Pope Francis. Lei ha detto spesso che è necessario parlare in termini chiari, onesti, direttamente e francamente. You know that the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission has described the school system as 'cultural genocide', and this expression is simply corrected in 'genocide'.

The people who have listened to his words of scorn this week have lamented the fact that the term genocide has not been explicitly used.

Do you use this term or do you recognize that members of the Church have participated in this genocide?" Pope Francis: "It is true, I have not used this word because it does not come to my mind, but I have described genocide and I am scorned, scorned for that work which has been genocide. For example, I have condemned also this: to bring the children to the family, to change the culture, to change the mind, to change the traditions, to change the race, we say, of a whole culture. Yes, it is a technical word - genocide - but I did not use it because it did not come to my mind. But I have described that it was true, yes, that it was a genocide, yes, yes, quiet. Dici che ho detto di sì, che è stato un genocidio. Grazie."

This last answer will make it possible to settle in Canada. It will also be necessary to see if everything above will give something to talk about. Everyone will refer.

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