
Die alljährliche Maria Namen-Feier : Ein starkes Glaubenszeugnis Österreichs

The annual Feier des Namens Mariens - a major event of the Austrian Glaubünden. Since 1958, the "Gebetsgemeinschaft für Kirche und Welt" has organized the "Feier des Namens Mariens" for two days on September 12.

Maria José Atienza-September 19, 2022-Reading time: 4 minutes
Maria Namen-Feier

Der Artikel in seiner Originalfassung auf Spanisch hier

The year 1683, September 12, is written. In front of the Wiener Toren there was a Turkish army with 200,000 men. More than 150 years ago, Sultan Süleyman I. Sultan Süleyman I. did not succeed in taking over the capital city, the centerpiece of the Habsburg Empire. Doch nun nun steht dem Erfolg von Kara Mustapha angesichts seiner überlegenen Streitmacht wohl nichts mehr im Weg. Zwar hat sich zur Befreiung Wiens ein Entsatzheer formiert: Kaiserliche Truppen, Bayern, Sachsen, vor allem Polen unter König Jan III. Sobieski, but what are these 65,000 people doing against a terrible war? However, the Viennese are relying on the help of Gottes and the courage of their mothers: On September 12, Marco d'Aviano's selfsame Marco d'Aviano was sent to the north over the city's northernmost Kahlenberg in the Hl. Messe den Schutz des Allmächtigen. Dann, mit dem Banner der Schutzmantelmadonna an der Spitze, erfolgt der Angriff von der Höhe über die Abhänge hinunter auf die Stellungen der Belagerer. They are so overpowering that they flow in all directions and many other obstacles are left behind, including kanonen, from which the "Pummerin", the biggest Austrian clown in the Stephansdom, the cathedral of Vienna, is taken later. As a thank you to Mary, Pope Innocence received Papst Innozenz for the feast of Mary's name on the feast of Mary's name for the whole Church. Pope Pius celebrates the feast on September 12. In Austria, the feast of Mary's name is actually celebrated as a festival.

The "Rosenkranz-Sühnekreuzzug": About Peace in the World

We write the year 1947, on February 2: "What was almost 300 years ago, the time was coming to an end, in war and disaster against an Englishman's faith, will now, at the end of the Second World War, only be peace. Otto Pavlicek, born 1902 in Innsbruck, raised and raised in Gottferne and then moved to the Church, in 1937, received his certificate: at the age of 35, he entered the Franziskanerorden and received the Petrus order. In 1941 he became a priest. He had to return to the military and became a doctor. One year after the war, he was sent to Mariazell for his glorious death and was deeply saddened by his death in Austria. Da hat er eine innere Eingebung: Er vernimmt die Worte - Worte der Gottesmutter in Fatima: "Tut, was ich euch sage, und ihr werdet Frieden haben." Daraufhin Petrus Pavlicek on February 2, 1947, the Rosenkranz-Sühnekreuzzug (RSK), a Gebetsgemeinschaft of Rosenkranzbetern: Gebet zur Bekehrung der Menschen und um den Frieden in der Welt.

However, it is also about Austria's freedom from the four wars that have been going on in Austria since the end of the Second World War. Therefore, many Austrian politicians, such as the former Bundeskanzler Leopold Figl and his colleague Julius Raab of the Gebetsgemeinschaft, are also involved. With support in Vienna's industrialized world, the number of members rose sharply: in 1950 there were 200,000, in 1955 over half a million. P. Petrus also had the opportunity to hold a series of sessions, which were held every year around 12 September, the Feast of Mary's Name, and again many of them came: in 1953 there were 50,000, in 1954 80,000 members. As in Russia in 1955, against all expectations, the punishment for the state treaty and thus for the freedom of Austria, many of them saw their death sent to the Gottesmutter. So says the former Bundeskanzler Julius Raab: "If it had not been so often the case that so many countries in Austria would not have been able to achieve this".

Die Maria Namen-Feier

In order to continue to place its trust in the name Maria, the RSK community - now also the "Community for the Church and the World" - has been celebrating the second "Maria Name Fair" since 1958 around September 12. Every year, it takes place in the Vienna Stadthalle - a place for large events, for example, the exhibition of artists and artists. - tausende Gläubige mit Dutzenden von Priestern und auch Bischöfen zum gemeinsamen Gebet, zum Glaubenszeugnis und zur Hl. Messe. Since 2011, the faith has been in the heart of Vienna. Every year they come from Rome, from Papst, Gruß- and Segensworte for the participants. Each year the faith will be on a different theme: 2020, the year of the Pandemic, will be the "Journey to Jesus", 2021 will be about the Synodalität of the Church. After the Eucharistic celebration, we will go in procession through the inner city of Vienna with the Fatimastatue to the end of the Seige to the Hof before the seat of the President of the Federal Republic of Austria.

In the current Jubilee year of the 75th anniversary of the RSK, the Festprediger of the Maria Namen-Feier, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, and Franz Lackner, Archbishop of Salzburg and following the tradition of the "Primas Germaniae", asked: "What are we doing today? Und was hoffen wir als Betende heute noch?" - auch angesichts des Krieges in der Ukraine.

The single most important answer was: The world needs the peace today as much as it did 75 years ago! Kardinal Schönborn praised the anwesenden Gläubigen: "Seien wir unbesorgt - selbst wenn wir weniger werden. After all, the power of the reality of God's love is stronger than our human weakness." Die Aufgabe des Beters bestehe daher darin, für den Nächsten, ja, für die Welt "in die Bresche zu steigen." "Auch wenn der moderne Mensch vergessen hat, dass er Gott vergessen hat", meinte Erzbischof Lackner, dürfe die Antwort darauf jedoch nicht Resignation sein, sondern die feste Hoffnung darauf, dass die Sehnsucht des Menschen nach Erlösung und Gerechtigkeit stärker sind als die Gleichgültigkeit. "Even if we seem to be able to do nothing with our Rosenkränzen - there, where the joy of God is, it will grow. Wo wir uns von der Not der Leidenden betreffen lassen und diese vor Gott tragen, da wird unser Gebet erhört werden."

In the past 60 years, the RSK has been active in Austria, particularly in Germany. Today it has about 700,000 people in 132 countries. He wants to promote a strong, oriented Marian devotion to the Holy Spirit, because Mary is a safe way to Christ. As helpers, the "Mother of the Glaciers" gives the Rosenkranz an die Hand. Wach gehalten werden soll auch der Gedanke der stellvertretenden Sühne - nach dem emeritierten Papst Benedikt XVI. eine "Urgegegegebenheit des biblischen Zeugnisses". The RSK would also like to encourage the support and support for the teaching of the Church in the future. As a member of the Gebetsgemeinschaft, one should at least be aware of the significance of the Rosenkranzes, and as a result of the Rosenkranzes, the work should be carefully and helpfully carried out, as well as the lessons and lessons learned, also in the case of the most important Swiss people.

P. Petrus Pavlicek, was born in 1982. His self-proclaimed process was completed in 2001 in Vienna and will be continued in Rome.

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