The Vatican

Pope's monthly video: for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Pope Francis invites us to pray in his monthly video for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, hard hit by the economic and social crisis.

Omnes-August 5, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Pope's Video is an official initiative aimed at disseminating the Holy Father's monthly prayer intentions. It is developed by the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network. Since 2016 The Pope's Video has more than 179 million views on all Vatican social networks, is translated into more than 23 languages and has press coverage in 114 countries. The project is supported by Vatican Media.

– Supernatural Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network is a Pontifical Work whose mission is to mobilize Catholics through prayer and action in the face of the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. These challenges are presented in the form of prayer intentions entrusted by the Pope to the whole Church. It was founded in 1844 as the Apostleship of Prayer. It is present in 89 countries and is made up of more than 22 million Catholics. It includes its youth branch, the EYM - Eucharistic Youth Movement. In December 2020 the Pope constituted this pontifical work as a Vatican foundation and approved its new statutes.

The content of the Pope's video reads:

As a consequence of the pandemic and wars, the world is facing a serious socio-economic crisis. We still haven't realized it!
And among the most affected are small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
Those in commerce, workshops, cleaning, transportation and many others.
Those who do not appear on the lists of the richest and most powerful and, despite the difficulties, create jobs while maintaining their social responsibility.
Those who invest in the common good instead of hiding their money in tax havens.
They all dedicate enormous creative capacity to changing things from the bottom up, where the best creativity always comes from.
And with courage, effort and sacrifice, they invest in life, generating well-being, opportunities and work.
Let us pray that small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, hard hit by the economic and social crisis, may find the necessary means to continue their activity at the service of the communities in which they live.

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