
The lathe is on the net: convent sweets are sold online

The usual economic difficulties of cloistered convents and monasteries in our country have been accentuated by the pandemic. A situation that has boosted the sale of traditional Christmas sweets made in convents and monasteries throughout Spain through the network.

Maria José Atienza-November 26, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

Polvorones, turrones and mantecados... but also baby baskets, nativity scenes and other handicraft items, all these can be found on various platforms that, through the web, offer these products made in monasteries and convents throughout the Spanish geography while fulfilling a dual purpose: to sweeten our tables on special dates and financially help hundreds of religious communities that are in dire economic straits, especially in these times of COVID19.


The website of the Contemplare Association is one of the pages through which we can access the articles that more than a hundred communities make in order to survive.

Among the monasteries and convents with which Contemplare collaborates we can find the Convent of the Poor Clares of Santa Isabel de Segovia, the monastery of the Aguilera de Iesu Communio, the monastery of the Encarnación de mercedarias de Osuna, the abbey of Nuestra Señora de Viaceli or the monastery of Tulebras.

– Supernatural store offers a wide range of products to help the different monasteries and convents: from icons and medals, to natural and gastronomic products. It also offers the possibility of ordering gifts for companies and Christmas baskets.

In addition to being an online sales channel, in order to contribute to the sustainability of the communities, the Contemplare Association has the objective of disseminatingThe "richness of the contemplative life, channel donations and advise them on various matters". In addition, prayer requests can be sent to the monasteries to be prayed for.


– Supernatural DeClausura Foundation is a non-profit initiative to help the Monasteries and Convents of Spain. It works to spread the richness of contemplative life and contribute to the support of monasteries and convents.

Declause The Foundation is a subsidiary of the Foundation, which is responsible for the Humanitate Family Association. Thus, the website includes articles on monastic life, short reports and activities organized by the monasteries and convents.

The store offers a variety of products: stationery, gifts, religious figures and, at this time of the year, especially sweets. Among the monasteries that

El Torno - Seville

More specific is ElTorno, a traditional store belonging to the Cathedral of Seville, located in the Plaza del Cabildo, which was founded in 1989 to help the convents of Seville by distributing its well-known sweets.

Through the web, those who can not physically go to this store, can find products as well known as the jams made by the Jerónimas de Santa Paula, the polvorones of the convent of Santa Clara or the Monastery Santa María la Real, of Dominican nuns of Bormujos.

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