The Vatican

Monika Klimentová: "Everything took place in a climate of respect and charity".

Monika Klimentová, head of the press office of the Czech Bishops' Conference, was one of the members of the communications team for this session of the General Assembly of the Synod.

Giovanni Tridente-November 6, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Now that the work of the first session of the General Assembly of the Synod Omnes had the opportunity to hear first-hand the impressions of one of the dozens of people who worked "behind the scenes" to ensure support for the entire organization. Monika Klimentová, head of the press office of the Czech Bishops' Conference, worked at the Synod throughout the month of October as part of the group of professionals in charge of communications.

What did it mean to you, as a lay faithful, to participate in this important ecclesial meeting?

-I was not a delegate to the Synodal Assembly, but I contributed to the international communications team, composed of the communications staff of the Synod Secretariat, the Dicastery for Communication and various members from all continents. Our role was to listen during the Assembly to the reports of the working groups or individual interventions and, if necessary, to recommend topics that resonated during the day for a daily press conference. We also suggested some members or participants of the Synod who could speak at the press conferences, in tune with the local Churches, including the Bishops' Conferences. By the will of Pope Francis, it was not possible to broadcast the content of the reports, but instead we were able to convey the "atmosphere" experienced by the various delegates. I must say that for me it was an edifying experience to participate in the entire Assembly and to witness firsthand this process of listening, discernment and mutual exchange desired by the Holy Father. Certainly, there were differences of opinion, but everything took place in a climate of respect and charity that impressed me very much.

For the first time a special methodology was used, which favored the exchange between members, participants and experts. How did you experience this "new procedure"?

-As I have already said, everything took place in a climate of friendship and dignity, starting with the smaller circles where bishops, priests, religious and lay people sat at the same table and each one could express his opinion on a specific topic. I think this methodology worked very well. I also talked about it with the bishop who has represented the Czech Republic, and he confirmed how these discussions exceeded his expectations. Everyone listened to each other; of course, they might not agree with everything that was said, but no one insulted the others because of a difference of opinion, but always tried to reach a common consensus.

Pope Francis was present as a member of the Assembly. How did you perceive the Holy Father's presence?

-Being able to sit in the same auditorium with the pastor of the whole Church is not something that happens every day and it is a significant emotion. Of course, the Pope did not participate in the "smaller circles", but he was always present in the Assembly when the results of the working groups were presented, listening attentively to everything that was said. Of course, during the breaks we also had the opportunity to greet him.

It has been said on several occasions that the synod is not a parliament and that what counts is "walking together". From the inside, can you confirm that this is exactly how things were?

-Yes, I can confirm that. In a synod the difference with a parliament is obvious. There are no parliamentary clubs, for example. The delegates prayed together, the days always began and ended with prayer and after three or four reports there was a space for silent recollection. At the beginning of each new module the Eucharist was celebrated, the preparation for which was entrusted to the different continents or rites. The delegates were not only able to "walk together" in the Paul VI Hall, but also made a communal pilgrimage to the catacombs, to the roots of Christianity. At the end, it is true, there was a vote on the final synthesis. This is perhaps the only element of comparison - albeit a somewhat forced one - with a parliament.

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