
A single Province for the Order of St. John of God in Spain

The Hospitaller Order of St. John of God will integrate the three current religious Provinces into which the institution was divided in our country until now, into a single one.

Maria José Atienza-March 15, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Superior General of the Hospitaller Order, Brother Jesús Etayo, will proclaim this unique province within the framework of the Provincial Assembly 2021 to be held tomorrow in the Basilica of St. John of God in Granada, where the relics of the Holy Founder are kept, under the theme 'Advancing in the Hospitality that unites us'.

With the proclamation, the three Spanish Provinces existing until now -Aragon, Betica and Castile- become one. The process of union of these three Provinces began in 2018, after the celebration of the Interprovincial Chapter that they held jointly in El Escorial, in which the decision was made to move towards this integration, in order to give a better response to the needs that were on the horizon in relation to the communities of brothers and that were drawn in the future of the institution.

New Provincial Superior and his Government

In the afternoon, the Superior General will announce the name of the Brother Provincial Superior who will lead the Province of St. John of God of Spain. Together with this, the appointment of the Provincial Councilors will be made public, which will increase from four to six, taking into account the dimension of the new Province, which has 75 centers in almost all the autonomous communities of the Spanish territory. 

The Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God

The San Juan de Dios Province of Spain of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God is a non-profit Catholic institution whose origins date back to the 16th century.
The Hospitaller Order upholds a model of integral care centered on the person that adapts to the challenges of today's society, with the aim of promoting and improving people's health and quality of life, without distinction as to gender, beliefs or origin, in order to create a more just and supportive society.

In Spain, the Hospitaller Order is currently made up of 188 Brothers, 15,000 professionals, more than 3,300 volunteers and numerous donors and benefactors. In addition, they have a network of 75 health, social, teaching and research centers and facilities that serve almost one and a half million people annually.

Worldwide, the Hospitaller Order is present in 52 countries with 402 Apostolic Works and social and health centers, serving more than 3 million people a year. It also has 1,020 Brothers, 63,000 professionals and 23,000 volunteers.

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