
St. Teresa of Jesus "knew how to transfer heaven to earth, making her life a dwelling place of God".

The congress dedicated to the first woman doctor of the Church began with Holy Mass in the Church of St. Teresa. During the celebration a message from the Holy Father was read on the occasion of this congress.

Maria José Atienza-April 12, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
saint teresa avila

In his message, read at the beginning of the Eucharistic celebration of the International Congress "St. Teresa of Jesus, Exceptional Woman", the Pope recalled that the appointment of Doctor of the Church "recognizes the precious magisterium that God has given us in her writings and in the witness of her life".

Example of the role of women in the Church and society

The pontiff also stressed that "despite the five centuries that separate us from his earthly existence, the flame that Jesus lit in Teresa continues to shine" and wanted to point out, especially, "his courage, his intelligence, his tenacity, which joined a sensitivity for the beautiful, are an outstanding example of the role that women have played throughout history in the Church and in society".

The Pope encouraged the participants in this congress to deepen "the message of the saint and to spread her teaching. It is beautiful to remember that her mystical experiences transferred her to heaven, but she knew how to transfer heaven to earth, making her life a dwelling place of God in which everyone had a place.

International figures

The congress, which will be held from Monday, April 12 to 15 of the same month, will count, among others, with the participation of Card. Aquilino Bocos who will speak on "The Teresian reform and our reform. The unforgettable lesson of the first Doctor of the Church", the interventions of Dr. Silvano Giordano ocd and Professor Marianne Schlosser as well as the final touch of Card. Dr. Ricardo Blázquez Pérez who will speak on "St. Teresa of Jesus "Teacher of Spirituality" for our time".

The congress can be followed through its website and of the Youtube channel of the Catholic University of Avila.

It is important to remember that this International Congress also has a charitable purpose, since the amount of all registrations will be donated to the monastery of the Annunciation of the Lord of Alba de Tormes, which was the eighth foundation of Mother Teresa of Jesus, where he spent his last 15 days of life.

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