
12 readings on St. Joseph

On December 8, 1870, at the request of the Fathers of the First Vatican Council, Pope Pius IX proclaimed St. Joseph patron of the universal Church, as Pope Francis recalled. Now, in 2023, on the eve of his Solemnity, which will be on the 20th Monday, as the liturgy celebrates the Fourth Sunday of Lent on the 19th, some readings on the Holy Patriarch are offered.

Francisco Otamendi-March 19, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
San Jose

Statue of St. Joseph in a seminary (Unsplash / Saint John's Seminary)

Pope Francis wrote in his apostolic letter 'Patris corde' (With a Father's Heart) (8.12.2020), that "on the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Blessed Pius IX, on December 8, 1870, declaring him as 'Patron of the Catholic Church', I would like - as Jesus says - that 'the mouth may speak of that with which the heart is full' (cf. Mt 12:34), to share with you some personal reflections on this extraordinary figure, so close to our human condition".

On the occasion of this event, the Pope established a Year of St. Joseph, especially dedicated to him, which concluded on December 8, 2021, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, as reported by Omnes. 'Patris corde'. is therefore the first document cited in this brief list of readings.  

The titles offered are varied. For example, works by the Polish writer Jan Dobraczyński, Henri-Michel Gasnier, the researcher and theologian Pedro Beteta, Fabio Rosini, or the Carmelite family.

Here are a few texts:

1)  'Patris corde'.Pope Francis. 

A beloved father, a father in tenderness, obedience and welcome; a father of creative courage, a worker, always in the shadows: with these words Pope Francis describes St. Joseph in a tender and touching way (Vatican News). Ramiro Pelliterio commented on. Omnes Pope Francis' twelve catecheses on St. Joseph.

2) The shadow of the Father, Jan Dobraczyński. 

The author faces the task of remaking not only the life of the holy Patriarch, but also the environment in which he developed. The subtitle is 'History of Joseph of Nazareth'.

3) Redemptoris custosSt. John Paul II.

In six sections, St. John Paul II reflects on the figure of St. Joseph, Custos of the Redeemer, encouraging all Christians to trust in his patronage and to always keep his humble and mature way of serving before their eyes.

4) The silences of San JoséHenri-Michel Gasnier

From the historical basis of the Gospel allusions and the data of Tradition, corroborated by the Holy Fathers, the author describes the man who watched over and cared for Mary and Jesus on earth.

5) St. Joseph. Welcoming, protecting and nurturing. Fabio Rosini.

Reflection on the figure of St. Joseph, who marks a path for every Christian who wants to better understand the relationship between freedom and obedience to God, between one's autonomy and the Father's initiative.

6) St. Joseph, model ChristianPedro Beteta

The book shows "the human and divine greatness of the Holy Patriarch in whom the maximum heights of perfection are reached". "No one like St. Joseph acquired greater identification with Christ, his virginal Son," he affirms. Another of his works is Discovering St. Joseph in the Gospel.

7) St. Joseph in the faith of the Church. Francisco Canals (ed).

There are 16 studies and essays published in this non-exhaustive anthology, which aims to point out the fundamental milestones in the understanding of the figure of St. Joseph. The teachings of the Magisterium, of the saints and of scholars of the holy Patriarch have been taken into account.

8) The Patronage of St. Joseph on Carmel. Carmelite Superiors General.

This is a letter of the Superiors General of the O. Carm. and O. CV. Carm. and O.CV.D. to the Carmelite Family on the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the patronage of St. Joseph over the universal Church.

9) Devotion to St. Joseph in St. Josemaría Escrivá. Laurentino María Herrán-

Many Christians have-and have had-a great devotion to St. Joseph. In these pages we offer the devotion professed to him by St. Josemaría Escrivá, who called St. Joseph Master of inner lifeand wrote the homily In the workshop of Joséincluded in the volume 'Es Cristo que pasa'.

10) St. Joseph, father and guide. Dominique Le Tourneau.

On December 8, 2021, the year dedicated to St. Joseph came to an end. On this occasion, the author presented in Omnes the main features of the father and guide of Jesus and of all Christians.

11) Prayer to St. Joseph. Pope Francis. 

In his letter 'Patris corde', Pope Francis proposes the following prayer at the end of the text:

Hail, guardian of the Redeemer
and husband of the Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his Son,
Mary placed her trust in you,
with you Christ was forged as a man.
O blessed Joseph,
show yourself a father to us too
and guide us on the path of life.
Grant us grace, mercy and courage.
defend us from all evil. Amen.

12) A devotion of Francis.In the same letter 'Patris corde'.Pope Francis opened his heart in note 10, as follows: "Every day, for more than forty years, after Lauds, I recite a prayer to St. Joseph taken from a 19th century French devotional book of the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary, which expresses devotion, trust and a certain challenge to St. Joseph: 'Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, whose power knows how to make impossible things possible, come to my aid in these moments of anguish and difficulty. Take under your protection the very serious and difficult situations that I entrust to you, so that they may have a good solution. My beloved Father, all my trust is placed in you. Let it not be said that I have invoked you in vain and, as you can do everything with Jesus and Mary, show me that your goodness is as great as your power. Amen'".

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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