
Opus Dei will study "carefully" the situation of the Torreciudad shrine

The Prelature of Opus Dei has issued a statement expressing its surprise at the unilateral appointment of a rector for the Shrine of Torreciudad by the bishop of the diocese of Barbastro-Monzon.

Maria José Atienza-July 18, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
torreciudad_mikel pando

Photo: Sanctuary of Torreciudad ©Mikel Pando. Torreciudad

"With surprise": this is how the Prelature of Opus Dei the news that the bishop of Barbastro Monzón, Ángel Pérez Pueyo, has appointed José Mairal, parish priest of Bolturina-Ubierg and judicial vicar of the diocese, rector of the Sanctuary of Torreciudad

Likewise, according to the diocesan communiqué, Bishop Pérez Pueyo has indicated that the former rector, Ángel LasherasThe new head of the institution, and the priests Pedro J. García de Jalón y de la Fuente and Eduardo Martínez Ruipérez, must work with the new head "until the existing canonical situation between both institutions is regularized".

This is an unusual appointment because, according to the Opus Dei, The shrine is a temple of the Prelature; specifically, it has the juridical status of an oratory of the Prelature and, as is the case with these oratories, it was erected at the time with the permission of the Bishop of the diocese. The Opus Dei points out which, consequently, "understands that it does not correspond to the bishop to carry out this appointment". In fact, according to the current regulations, it is the regional Vicar of the Opus Dei the one in charge of appointing the rector and the priestly team that takes care of the sanctuary.

The communiqué from the Diocese of Barbastro-Monzón points out the need to "regularize" the canonical situation of the sanctuary as the reason for changing this appointment, although it does not clarify the nature of this situation. Subsequently, the same diocese has added some clarifications, pointing out that "in the case of Torreciudad, and in order to regularize its canonical situation with the diocese, the Prelature was asked to propose to this bishopric a list of three priests to make this appointment of rector (c. 557 &1). With the passing of the months, and not having received this list after several requests, we have opted for the appointment of José Mairal, pastor of Bolturina-Ubiergo, to whose parish belongs the hermitage-sanctuary of Torreciudad".

The aforementioned canon determines that "the diocesan bishop freely appoints the rector of a church, without prejudice to the right of election or presentation, when this right legitimately belongs to someone; in this case, it corresponds to the diocesan bishop to confirm or institute the rector". This is the procedure that has been followed in Torreciudad since the construction of the sanctuary in 1975, and which is reflected in the statutes of Torreciudad, from 1980, where it is specified that "the appointment of the rector and the designation of the priests who are in charge of the pastoral care corresponds to the Regional Vicar of the Prelature".

For its part, the Opus Dei announced that the diocese and the Prelature have begun talks to prepare new statutes to allow Torreciudad to become a diocesan shrine.

The contacts began "more than a year ago," and are aimed at "erecting Torreciudad as a diocesan shrine and establishing a pastoral care agreement with the diocese, similar to the agreements that the Prelature of Opus Dei maintains for the pastoral care of numerous parishes and churches in Spain and other countries. The Prelature's communiqué stresses that this work is not finished, and that, "although developed in a climate of mutual collaboration, it has not been free of difficulties of understanding and interpretation on the part of the diocese. 

The situation created by this appointment has important ecclesial and juridical implications. Opus Dei has announced that it will "study this matter carefully and in a spirit of ecclesial communion".

The Prelature has stressed its desire "to continue collaborating with the Diocese in the evangelizing work carried out from Torreciudad, a place so dear to the people of Alto Aragon, and where every year thousands of people have an encounter with Our Lady, go to the sacrament of confession and come close to Jesus inspired by the life and teachings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, who was born in Barbastrad.

The Diocese of Barbastro also places this decision in the context of an effort of "convergence" and "communion", "always at the service of the pastoral care of all the faithful of Barbastro-Monzón".

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