The World

"Let no one be left alone, let all receive the anointing of care."

Pope Francis prayed the Angelus today from the window of the Gemelli Polyclinic, where he has been hospitalized for a few days following the colon operation he underwent last Monday.

Maria José Atienza-July 11, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
angelus gemelli

During the prayer he was accompanied by some sick children, patients of the same hospital, who have been, these days, one of the main concerns of the Holy Father.

The Pope's first words were words of gratitude for the "closeness and the support of your prayers"during these days of hospitalization. His experience in the hospital has marked the words of the Holy Father in this first meeting after the colon surgery he underwent last Monday. Referring to Jesus' sending his disciples to heal and "anoint with oil," the Pope stressed that this "oil" is certainly the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, which gives comfort to the spirit and the body. But this "oil" is also the listening, the closeness, the attention, the tenderness of the one who cares for the sick person: it is like a caress that makes us feel better, that calms the pain and encourages us. Sooner or later we all need this "anointing", and we can all give it to someone, with a visit, a phone call, a hand outstretched to someone who needs help".

The Pope also stressed that "in these days of hospitalization, I have experienced how important it is to have a good health service, accessible to all". In this line, Francis pointed out that "this valuable asset must not be lost. We must maintain it! And for this we must all commit ourselves, because it serves everyone and asks for everyone's contribution. Even in the Church it sometimes happens that a health institution, because of bad management, does not do well financially, and the first thing that occurs to us is to sell it. But the vocation, in the Church, is not to have money but to serve, and service is always free.

Francis also asked for special prayers for doctors and all health and hospital personnel, as well as for the sick, especially "children" and, pointing to those who accompanied him on the balcony, he stressed that the question of the suffering of children is "a question that touches the heart". Finally, he asked for prayers also for "those who find themselves in the most difficult conditions: that no one be left alone, that all receive the anointing of closeness and care".

Stop the violence in Haiti!

At the end of the prayer, Francis also had words to ask that "the spiral of violence in Haiti cease" and urged the Haitian people to "resume a path of peace and harmony" and asked all those present to pray for this intention.

The Holy Father also recalled the need to take care of the oceans "No more plastic in the oceans!" he asked, following the lines of Lautato Si'. Finally, in addition to greeting the pilgrims of Radio Maria gathered in Czestochowa, he wanted to remember the feast of St. Benedict of Nursia, patron of Europe, for whom he asked that the old continent be united in its founding values.

Francis said goodbye reminding the hundreds of people gathered under the window of the Polyclinic as well as those who followed him through the media to "not forget to pray for me".

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