The Vatican

Pope's closeness to Morocco and applause for the beatified Ulma family

At the Angelus this morning, Pope Francis expressed his closeness and prayers for the dead and wounded in the earthquake near Marrakech (Morocco); he asked us to look to the model of the beatified Polish family Ulma, exterminated for helping persecuted Jews in World War II; and he prayed for Ethiopia and "the martyred Ukraine, which suffers so much".

Francisco Otamendi-September 10, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
Pope Francis

Pope Francis greets the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square (CNS photo / Lola Gomez)

At the Angelus this Sunday morning in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father showed his "closeness to the beloved people of Morocco, affected by a devastating earthquake"; and he has placed the Polish Ulma family, beatified today in their land by Cardinal Semeraro, as a "model of service" for all.

The Pope also prayed for reconciliation and fraternity among the people of Ethiopia, who are celebrating the New Year on September 12, and for an end to all wars. As usual, he prayed especially for the "martyred Ukraine, which suffers so much".

No to gossip 

In his reflection prior to the Marian prayer of the Angelusthe Roman Pontiff reflected on the fraternal correction of which Jesus speaks today in the Gospel, which he described as "one of the greatest expressions of love, and also one of the most demanding".

Francis stressed that "gossip is a plague in the life of individuals and communities, because it brings division, suffering and scandal, and never helps to improve, never helps to grow".

In criticizing gossip, the Pope quoted St. Bernard, when he said that "sterile curiosity and superficial words are the first rungs on the ladder of pride, which leads not upwards but downwards, precipitating man to perdition and ruin".

On the contrary, Jesus teaches us to behave differently, the Pope pointed out. "This is what he tells us today: If your brother commits a fault against you, go and rebuke him, between you and him alone. Speak to him face to face, loyally, to help him understand where he is wrong."

"This is not talking about him behind his back, but telling him things to his face, with gentleness and kindness," the Holy Father continued. And if that is not enough, the help to be sought "is not that of the little group that gossips but of one or two people who really want to help. "And if he still does not understand, then Jesus says: get the community involved.

"But it is not a matter of putting the person in the pillory, no; but of uniting the efforts of all, to help him or her to change. The community must make him or her feel that while condemning the error, it is close to him or her with prayer and affection, always ready to offer understanding and to start anew," the Holy Father added.

"Close to the Moroccan village."

Commenting on the tragic earthquake in Morocco, Pope Francis has assured that he prays for the injured, for the many who have lost their lives, and for their families; he thanks all those who are helping and assisting, and those who are struggling to alleviate the sufferings of the people. "I hope that everyone's help can sustain the population in this tragic moment. We are close to the Moroccan people," he said.

As is known, in the last few hours, at least 2,000 people have died in a violent earthquake of magnitude 6.9, unleashed in several departments located near the Moroccan city of Marrakech, on the night of the 8th, which has also left 2,050 injured, more than half of them seriously, according to the Ministry of the Interior of the Alaouite country.

Immediately, in a telegram signed by Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Pope Francis expressed his "sorrow" and expressed his closeness and prayers to the families who have lost loved ones and their homes, and encouraged those involved in the relief efforts. 

The Catholic Church has mobilized. The Italian and Italian Bishops' Conferences Spanishamong others, have expressed their sorrow and solidarity with all those affected. Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero, Archbishop of Rabat, has expressed his compassion In declarations to Vatican News, "especially towards the families who are in mourning and those who have lost their homes", and appealed to all Catholics to express their solidarity with the Moroccan people. 

"Evangelical love" of the Ulma family

"Today in Poland the martyrs Giuseppe and Victoria Ulma and their seven children were beatified, an entire family exterminated by the Nazis on March 24, 1944, for having given refuge to some Jews who were being persecuted. To the hatred and violence that characterized that time they responded with evangelical love," Francis pointed out.

"This Polish family, which represented a ray of light in the Second World War, be for all of us a model on the road to the service of those in need. Let us applaud this family of Blesseds," the Pope prayed. Omnes has dedicated some information and reports to the history of the Ulma family beatified today, Sunday, in Poland, by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, who described the beatified woman as "the most beautiful woman in the world. the Ulma as an example of "next door" holiness.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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