The Vatican

Pope considers Luxembourg key to "building a united Europe".

Pope Francis highlighted the role of Luxembourg as a key "for building a united and united Europe", given its geographical position and historical background.

Paloma López Campos-September 26, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Pope Francis Luxembourg

Pope addresses Luxembourg authorities, civil society and diplomatic corps (CNS photo / Lola Gomez)

Upon arrival in Luxembourg, the Pope Francis had a meeting with the authorities and the diplomatic corps of the country. In addition to thanking everyone for their welcome, the Holy Father began by highlighting in an address to those present the "special geographical situation" of Luxembourg.

This characteristic, he pointed out, makes the country a place of "confluence of different linguistic and cultural areas", and a "crossroads of the most relevant European historical events". Precisely for this reason, Luxembourg "has distinguished itself by its commitment to build a Europa united and supportive".

The Pope pointed out that, despite its small size, Luxembourg is "a founding member of the European Union and its predecessor Communities, the seat of numerous European institutions, including the Court of Justice of the Union, the Court of Auditors and the Investment Bank". He also underlined "the solid democratic structure" of the country, in which "the dignity of the human person and the defense of his fundamental freedoms are safeguarded".

Wealth as responsibility

Francis then invited Luxembourg to continue to set an example in this sense "so that relations of solidarity may be established among peoples, so that all may be participants and protagonists in an orderly project of integral development".

This development, the Pontiff continued, "in order to be authentic and integral, must not despoil and degrade our common home, nor must it leave peoples or social groups on the margins". Referring to the country's economy, the Pope warned that "wealth is a responsibility. For this reason, I ask for constant vigilance so as not to neglect the most disadvantaged nations, indeed, so that they may be helped to emerge from their conditions of impoverishment".

Luxembourg's leadership

The Holy Father insisted on this idea, stressing his desire that "Luxembourg, with its peculiar history, with its equally peculiar geographical situation, with slightly less than half of its inhabitants coming from other parts of Europe and the world, be a help and an example in showing the way forward for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees".

In his address, Francis also noted the "resurgence" in Europe "of disagreements and enmities which, instead of being resolved on the basis of mutual good will, negotiation and diplomatic work, lead to open hostilities, with their aftermath of destruction and death". To resolve this, he affirmed, "it is necessary to look upwards, it is necessary that the daily life of the peoples and of their rulers be animated by high and profound spiritual values".

The Gospel as renewal

The Pope explained the reason for his trip to Luxembourg and Belgium by saying that "as successor of the Apostle Peter, in the name of the Church, expert in humanity" his job is "to bear witness that this vital sap, this ever new force of personal and social renewal is the Gospel". The Pope insisted that "the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only one capable of profoundly transforming the human soul, making it capable of doing good even in the most difficult situations".

The Pontiff ended his speech by stressing once again that Luxembourg has the opportunity to lead a society centered on values and respect for human dignity, and praying God for a blessing for the country.

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