The Vatican

Universities, places of openness and peace-building

In recent weeks, Pope Francis has received in audience several communities of students and university personnel, both from pontifical and civilian institutions, to whom he reiterated the importance of dialogue and the realization of peace projects.

Giovanni Tridente-May 28, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes

The first meeting took place with the Pontifical Liturgical Institute entrusted to the Benedictine monks of the Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of its foundation by St. John XXIII (1961).

In his address, the Pope referred to the conciliar constitution "Sacrosanctum Concilium", from which he drew new fruit, also for the liturgical life of today, which must guarantee a fruitful participation of the faithful, greater ecclesial communion and the promotion of an evangelizing mission that involves all the baptized.

New lifeblood for liturgical life

Formation, in this case, should help to educate people "to enter into the spirit of the liturgy", being "impregnated" by it, overcoming a certain "formalism" that makes them lose sight of the essence of the celebration.

"It is not about rituals, it is the mystery of Christ, who once and for all has revealed and realized the sacred, the sacrifice and the priesthood," the Pope told the students of the Anselmian University, inviting them then to carry out "the mission" around them, going out "to meet others, to meet the world around us, to meet the joys and the needs of so many who perhaps live without knowing the gift of God."

In this way, divisions are also overcome and greater ecclesial unity is generated, because it is not necessary to make the liturgy "a battlefield for questions that are not essential". It is not by chance that the Council "wished to prepare with abundance the table of the Word of God and the Eucharist, so as to make possible the presence of God in the midst of his people".

Feeding the roots

This year also marks the 85th anniversary of the foundation of the Pontifical Romanian Pius Pontifical College, which welcomes seminary students being trained at the Pontifical Universities of Rome. In meeting with the community, which is housed along the Gianicolo promenade, just above the Vatican, he invited them to nourish their roots, through study and meditation, thinking of the example of the martyrs who left deep traces precisely in Rome.

"Dear friends, without nourishing the roots, every religious tradition loses its fruitfulness. In fact, a dangerous process takes place: with the passage of time, one becomes more and more focused on oneself, on one's own belonging, losing the dynamism of the origins," Pope Francis stressed.

Instead, it is important to start from that "first inspiration" and grow fruitfully, without forgetting the "good soil of faith" found in those who have preceded us. In addition to not forgetting the people from whom one comes, the Pontiff invited future priests to have "the smell of sheep", touching the flesh of Christ present in the poor, in those who suffer, in the discarded and in all those in whom Jesus himself is present.

A place of openness and dialogue

In the civic sphere, Pope Francis met with students and professors of the University of Macerata in Italy, recalling how the university is the "place of opening the mind to the horizons of knowledge," of life, of the world and of the history of each person. Horizons, those of the world in general and those of each individual, which must be brought into dialogue - also on a multicultural level - in order to bring "a growth of humanity" to the whole of society.

In short, Pope Francis envisions a "human idea of the university" that has nothing to do with the enlightened approach of simply "filling the head with things. Rather, the person must be involved with his or her affections, with his or her way of feeling, thinking and acting, in a completely harmonious development.

Realizing horizons of peace

The last audience of this block was granted to the rectors of all the universities of the Lazio region, both state and private. To them, the Pope reiterated that, in this particular historical moment characterized by pandemics and wars, the Universities are entrusted with a task of great responsibility: "how to live and overcome the crisis, so that it does not turn into conflict".

In his vision, a horizon of peace must become a reality, which can only be built by spreading a critical sense, healthy confrontation and dialogue. Along with this, we must rethink the economic, cultural and social models "to recover the central value of the human person". Therefore, we must be aware that the university "has no frontiers" or barriers, but for this to be so, we must have "the courage of imagination and investment". This is demanded above all by young people, "who are not satisfied with mediocrity", and who must be educated in respect for themselves, for others and for all creation. Education, research, dialogue and confrontation with society. Only in this way is it possible to have living, transparent, welcoming and responsible communities "in a fruitful climate of cooperation and exchange" that values everyone, far from ideologies.

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