The Vatican

Pope Francis: "Human trafficking is growing at an alarming rate".

Pope Francis sent a brief message for the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, whose theme is "Walking for Dignity".

Paloma López Campos-February 8, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Trafficking in persons

Pope Francis during the message for the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking (Vatican News)

The Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking on the same day that St. Bakhita, Patroness of the victims of this type of exploitation, is remembered. This year Pope Francis sent a message to involve young people in the fight against these abuses.

"Trafficking in human beings disfigures the dignity"The Pope stated emphatically. "Exploitation and subjugation limit freedom and turn people into objects to be used and thrown away. And the trafficking system takes advantage of the injustices and inequalities that force millions of people to live in vulnerable conditions."

Francis pointed to the millions of people living in delicate situations due to the economic crisis, wars and climate change. All of them are especially vulnerable to this system, making them "easy to recruit."

Everyone's responsibility

Far from being close to a solution, the Pontiff noted, "trafficking is growing at an alarming rate, affecting above all immigrants, women and children". But this cannot lead to discouragement, but "it is precisely in this reality that all of us, especially young people, are called to join forces to weave networks of good, to spread the light that comes from Christ and his Gospel".

The Pope concluded by highlighting some of the ideas that the young people had written in preparation for the day. He invited everyone to "walk with open eyes to recognize the processes that lead millions of people, especially young people, to become victims of trafficking to be brutally exploited. To walk with an attentive heart to discover and support the daily paths to freedom and dignity. To walk with hope in our feet to promote anti-trafficking actions. To walk hand in hand to support each other and build a culture of encounter, leading to the conversion of hearts and inclusive societies, capable of protecting the rights and dignity of every person".

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