The Vatican

Pope Francis: "Consolation makes us bold".

Today Pope Francis held his usual Wednesday general audience at the foot of St. Peter's Basilica. Today he focused on Psalm 62 and on consolation.

Paloma López Campos-November 23, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
Pope Francis

Pope Francis at today's General Audience (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

A large crowd gathered today in the Vatican square to attend the audience of the Supreme Pontiff. During the trip in the popemobile the Holy Father greeted the faithful who were waiting for his words.

The Pope has spoken about the discernment of what is happening within the soul, focusing on consolation, "a deep inner experience that allows one to see the presence of God in all things," reinforcing faith, hope and the ability to do good. 

Francis pointed out that "consolation is an intimate movement that touches the depths of ourselves," but it is delicate and gentle because God is always respectful of our freedom.

The Pontiff emphasized that a common characteristic can be found in all the saints, they did great things because "they were conquered by the pacifying sweetness of God's love". 

The Pope affirms that "to be consoled is to be at peace with God" but that consolation is not to sit back and enjoy, but that it "sets us on the way to do good things". In times of consolation we feel God's strength and that "makes us bold".

However, the Pope warns that this spiritual state "is not controllable, it is not programmable at our will, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit".

The Holy Father also warns that there are false consolations, which are enthusiastic, inconsiderate, and flamboyant, "calling one to turn in on oneself".

Francis said goodbye encouraging everyone to feel loved by God, to be daring and not to give up, but also not to reduce God to an object "for our use and consumption, losing the most beautiful gift that is Himself".

At the end of the audience, the elderly, children and the suffering received the Holy Father's blessing.

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