The Vatican

Pope Francis: "Christ wants to embrace you".

Pope Francis, who is in Asti, addressed the faithful today on the Solemnity of Christ the King during his Sunday Gospel and Angelus commentary.

Paloma López Campos-November 20, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
Pope Francis in Asti

Pope Francis in Asti during his pastoral visit (Photo: CNS).

Taking a cue from the Today's GospelOn November 20, the Roman Pontiff recalled that Christ turns the title of "king" on its head and shows himself to be "our king, with open arms. If Christ became man and king to embrace all the realities of our life, the Holy Father pointed out, we must ask ourselves if "this king of the universe is the king of my existence".

Francis emphasized that Christ does not look at our life for a single moment, but "remains there", emphasizing that when he looks at each person Christ "wants to embrace you, to raise you up again and save you".

The Holy Father mentioned that salvation comes to us if we allow ourselves to be loved by the Crucified One, who is always ready to forgive us. Francis wanted to emphasize that "we do not have an unknown God who is up there in heaven, powerful and distant, but a God who is close, tender and compassionate, whose open arms console and caress".

In order to stop being spectators in the face of this display of love on the part of God, the Pope said that "we must begin with trust, with calling God by name, just as the good thief did".

After the celebration of Holy Mass, the Pope addressed the city of Asti, thanking all those involved for the welcome they gave him. He spoke about young people, inviting everyone to participate in the next WYD in Lisbon and said that "we need young transgressors, not conformists". 

Francis also echoed the conflicts that are taking place around the world. He invited the faithful to remember the people who suffer from these situations, saying that "our time is experiencing a famine of peace, let us strive and continue to pray for peace".

Finally, the Pope mentioned the Virgin Mary, addressing her as Queen of Peace, and entrusted all those present to the Mother of God. After these words, the Angelus prayer began.

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