
Evangelization, a Christian's mission, is the theme of the September issue of Omnes magazine.

The September 2023 issue of Omnes is now available in its digital version for the magazine's subscribers. In the next few days, it will also arrive at the usual address of those who have this type of subscription.

Maria José Atienza-September 1, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
omnes sept 2023

Evangelization is part of the deepest identity of the Church. It is a mission that every Christian, by virtue of his or her Baptism, must have in his or her life. This is the theme of issue 731 of Omnes magazine.

The magazine includes an extensive reflection on the urgency of evangelization in today's world, the examples and the constant appeal of Pope Francis in this year's catecheses, in which he has successively placed before the eyes of the baptized various examples of holiness and evangelization, as well as a dissertation on some of Benedict XVI's evangelizing lines, in three areas: reason, art and beauty, and culture and dialogue.

This issue also reviews other examples of evangelization and Christian commitment in today's world, especially in the area of civil and working life of most Christians, and in the area of charity, with examples such as Christ in the cityThe project is a volunteer project in the cities of Denver and Philadelphia, in the United States, and also includes missionary experiences in Tanzania and Uganda and the beginnings of the faith in these areas of Africa. 

WYD messages

WYD in Lisbon takes up a large part of the pages of this magazine. Thus, the issue of Omnes echoes the IV International Congress on the Care of Creation that took place at the end of July at the Portuguese Catholic University, within the framework of the World Youth Day in Lisbon. The congress resulted in a manifesto highlighting the need to make truly political decisions, with special attention to the most vulnerable and with long-term projects adapted to the needs of each local reality, while in the economic sphere, selfish and unsustainable decisions must be overcome. 

The Pope's teachings The key points of Pope Francis' speeches to the participants of the World Youth Day in Lisbon are collected, as could not be otherwise, in the following pages. These speeches highlight the call to go together, living the spirit of communion and co-responsibility, building a network of human, spiritual and pastoral relationships, as well as "finding ways for a joyful, generous and transforming participation for the Church and humanity".

The Chosen, beyond a job

Derral Eves producer of the TV series, has given an interview to Omnes in which he highlights how being a part of the TV series The Chosen has changed her life and how "collaborating with such talented people, all united by a shared vision, has reaffirmed my faith and deepened my commitment to using media as a force for good and inspiration." Eves further emphasizes in this interview that working in The Chosen "it's not just a job; it's a vocation that I feel privileged to have responded to."

Juan Luis Lorda, for his part, addresses in the section Theology of the 20th century the renewal of morality that took place in the 20th century and in which fertile inspirations converged with some perplexities and difficult contexts.

Church movements

The section of Experiences brings, in this issue, an interesting article, signed by the priest and professor of the San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University, José Miguel GranadosThe parish should be informed about ecclesial movements and groups and the proper integration of the various ecclesial groups, associations, communities and movements into parish life.

Among other things, he emphasizes that the parish insertion of groups and movements, if well channeled, can greatly enrich the parish community and its evangelizing action, which, thanks to them, is often filled with enthusiasm, commitment, strength and vitality.

This will also be the theme of the next Omnes Forum, which will be held in Madrid on September 20 and about which we will provide detailed information in the coming days. 

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