
"New revolution": the project to curb pornography

The Spanish Family Forum has started a crowdfunding campaign to finance a prevention, training and dissemination project for young people about the terrible consequences of pornography.

Maria José Atienza-March 10, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

Pornography is one of the major problems affecting today's society, especially due to the early access to pornographic content that minors in Spain have through digital media. The very Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has stated that, according to the data of the reports it handles, the average age of access to pornography among minors is 8 years old. 

Among the consequences generated by this access to content are serious problems such as family and sexual violence, absenteeism, depression, distorted vision of relationship models and addiction with neurobiological consequences.

Faced with this reality, the Spanish Family Forum wants to launch a new revolution: a project with two keys:

  • Assistance: FEF wants to set up a platform to contact from which each case can be treated by specialized professionals to resolve the issue, whether clinics specializing in treating pornography addiction, psychologists, mediators, lawyers or psychiatrists experts in the field and welfare associations of the same branch that collaborate with the project.
  • Informative: Likewise, the Spanish Family Forum wants to make known the reality of pornography and its harmful consequences through talks, conferences, and the training of volunteers to reach schools, universities, associations. In addition to this, they contemplate the elaboration of publications, studies, reports to make visible a latent problem in our time and in our society whose consequences are often silenced for economic reasons.

With these objectives in mind, the Spanish Family Forum has initiated a crowdfunding campaign through the iHelp platform. with which they intend to collect donations that will make possible the execution and development of this project over the next few months.

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