
"Let's Be More People": concern for others as a way of life

During this week prior to the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) we celebrate, in the Spanish Church, the week of Charity.

Maria José Atienza-May 31, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

The days leading up to Charity Day are days that bring to the forefront the inescapable new commandment that distinguishes Christians: love one another and in which Caritas reminds us of the need for our collaboration in order to move forward the lives of many people.

On this occasion, from the charity arm of the Church and playing with the concept of being the people of God, Caritas invites Catholics to be "more people".

"The world is a village inhabited by more than 7 billion neighbors and
neighbors who know each other and help each other. A town in which everything that happens matters to us and affects us because we are all God's people and no one should be left out" they point out in the leaflet produced by Caritas on the occasion of Charity Day.

It is not in vain that the celebration of the Day of Charity on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ unites belonging to the mystical Body of Christ that is the Church to the care of those around us: "As a Christian community to give witness to faith is to make our own the words of Jesus, take and eat, take and drink, it is to share the banquet of Life and to be a sign of consolation, encouragement, denunciation and hope in the midst of a broken and wounded society".

Caritas proposes 4 ways of materializing this "being people":

Changing lifestyle. Cultivate closeness and availability, as they emphasize in their proposal "to reconnect with other people and groups, because this interdependence creates fraternity".

Changing the look. Looking closer to reality as the Good Samaritan does.

Do not pass by. Following Jesus implies taking sides and doing everything possible to make dignity and justice a reality for all people. Seek coherence in your personal life and in the decisions you make with others. Change comes from a shared "we".

Change the time. To truly live with a heart open to love.

70 Diocesan Caritas

In addition to the national campaign, during these days, the 70 Diocesan Caritas throughout Spain The year has been marked by the impact of a health pandemic that has forced them to multiply their human and economic efforts to care for a growing number of families affected by the effects of the profound social crisis resulting from Covid-19.

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