
Dioceses begin the journey of the listening synod

During the weekend, the local Churches have experienced the opening of the diocesan phase of the synod of bishops The theme of the meeting is "For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission", which aims to bring together the entire Catholic Church, and even those who are not part of it, to discern the challenges and keys of the Church at this time.

Maria José Atienza-October 17, 2021-Reading time: 4 minutes
seville synod

Photo: ©Archisevilla

The so-called "Synod on Synodality" is already a reality. This weekend, the Spanish dioceses, as well as those of the rest of the world, celebrated the opening of the first phase of this synodal itinerary that will culminate in October 2023, with the celebration in Rome of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

Listening to God first

If there is one thing that can summarize this synodal process, it is listening. An attitude that, in the first place, has to be towards God, as Bishop Santiago Gómez, Bishop of Huelva, pointed out at the opening of the synod in his diocese: "Before speaking about God, we have to listen to his Word, to learn as disciples of the Word made flesh, disciples of the Lord Jesus. This synodal process invites us to listen to one another, but first the disciples must listen to the Word. The synodal journey that we undertake invites us to dialogue with everyone, but it is necessary to start from a dialogue with God.

The Bishop of Cartagena-Murcia, Bishop Lorca Planes, expressed himself in the same way: "The Holy Father asks us something simple, to recognize and update our essence, to return to the origins with intensity and, for this, it is necessary to listen to the Word of God, because it will always serve us as orientation in life; also that we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, who will enlighten us so that we can walk as brothers and sisters". The Bishop of Malaga also referred in the opening of his diocese to the need for renewal "under the action of the Spirit and listening to the Word".

Carlos Escribano, Archbishop of Saragossa stressed that "Our task is to discover that Jesus walks beside us. We have to be experts in the encounter: to give space for adoration. The synodal journey will only be such if we encounter Christ and, with him, our brothers and sisters".

Baptism: source of our communion and participation

Another sign of this Synod is communion. Demetrio Fernandez, who asked the faithful to work united and in communion "to participate in the construction of the Church and in the witness that the Church is called to give in the world". Similarly, Archbishop Sainz Meneses of Seville pointed out that "by virtue of our Baptism we are all called to participate actively in the life of the Church. We are all invited to prayer, to encounter, to dialogue, to listen to one another, so that we can grasp the impulses of the Holy Spirit, who comes to our aid to guide our human efforts, and leads us to a deeper communion and a more effective mission in the world".

The Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid also referred to unity, pointing out that "For the whole Church, the starting point cannot be other than Baptism, which is our source of life; with different ministries and charisms, we are all called to participate in the life and mission of the Church". Likewise, Msgr. Osoro recalled that, with this synod "we are not opening a parliament nor are we going to survey opinions", but "the whole universal Church is setting out" and, through each particular Church, initiates a consultation in which the first protagonist is the Holy Spirit".

Opening in the Diocese of Cartagena

This idea marked several of the bishops' homilies at this opening, such as that of the Archbishop of Tarragona who stressed that "As Pope Francis affirmed, the Synod is not a parliament, nor is it a survey of opinions. It is rather an ecclesial moment. The synodal method invites us to make of this Synod a magnificent occasion of profound dialogue, of humble listening, of sincere discernment of the signs of the times, where the real subject is, because it is, all the holy people of God". Also Msgr. Barrio Barrio also wanted to emphasize that this synod is a search for truth, which implies recognizing and appreciating the richness and variety of gifts and charisms; and that it should serve to regenerate Christian relationships with social groups and communities of other confessions and religions.

The support of the Episcopal Conference

Once this first phase of the Synod is open, before March 31 of next year, the dioceses will have to send their conclusions to the Episcopal Conference, which will coordinate the elaboration of a synthesis of the contributions, in which the Episcopal Conference responsible for the synodal process and his team will also participate, as well as the representatives elected to participate in the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod in Rome, once ratified by the Holy Father. This synthesis will be sent to the General Secretariat of the Synod together with the contributions of each of the particular Churches.

The Spanish Episcopal Conference has set up an web space The Synod's website provides information on the synodal journey and contains documents related to the process, questions and answers, activities and agenda, etc. One of the appointments foreseen in this first phase, from the Episcopal Commission for the Laity, Family and Life of the Episcopal Conference is the presentation that the undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops, the Spanish Augustinian Bishop Luis Marín de San Martín, will give on Saturday, October 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and which can be followed online.

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