
Archbishop of Toledo to open synod in a "spirit of reparation"

Cerro Chaves will perform a special penitential act at the opening Mass of the synod in reparation for the use of the Cathedral of Toledo as the setting for an inappropriate video clip.

Maria José Atienza-October 9, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
toledo cathedral

Toledo Cathedral

Francisco Cerro Chaves, has called the faithful to join the celebration of the opening of the diocesan phase of the XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which will take place next Sunday, October 17, in the Primate Cathedral.

Mons cerro

The Archbishop also wanted to add to this celebration "an invitation to conversion, reparation for sins and purification that this time of grace and interior renewal requires, and that we will carry out in a special penitential act of the Mass" due to the scandal that has involved the use of the Cathedral of Toledo as the setting for an inappropriate music video for which the Archbishop himself has expressed his "humble request for forgiveness to all the lay faithful, consecrated and priests, who have rightly felt hurt by this improper use of a sacred place".

The pastor of the primate diocese of Spain has also expressed his desire that "parishes, associations and movements, priests, consecrated and lay people" join this "path of strengthening our identity and mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all people with the joy of the Gospel".

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