The Vatican

Women as the key to interpreting the future

The presence, leadership and the richness that the feminine perspective brings to the Church and society have been some of the main themes of Pope Francis' recent speeches.

Giovanni Tridente-March 17, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Inclusion, respect and creativity. These are three fundamental characteristics, according to the Pope FrancisThe feminine is capable of transmitting in a specific way, exercising that "care" that our society needs to achieve a "better world". Elements of true leadership that make women uniquely extraordinary to face - together with other social actors - the challenges of our time.

Reflections that the Holy Father has shared in recent days with scholars and researchers gathered under the aegis of the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) - the network of universities that collaborate on an ongoing basis to promote excellence in studies in the field of the social doctrine of the Church - and members of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice" Foundation"The meeting was held in Rome precisely for an initiative on women's leadership.


The theme of care refers back to the Mass at the beginning of his pontificate, a few years ago. ten yearson the solemnity of San Joseon March 19, 2013, when the newly elected pontiff referred precisely to the putative father of Jesus, strong, courageous and hardworking, but from whose soul springs "a great tenderness, which is not the virtue of the weak, but rather the opposite: it denotes strength of spirit and capacity for attention, compassion, true openness to others, love".

Aspects that may well be applied to the sensitivity of the women and project them to give life in the world to a "greater inclusiveness" and "greater respect for others. This means, according to the Pontiff, recognizing that "true wisdom, with its thousand facets, is learned and lived by walking together," and in so doing becomes "a generator of peace."

Integrating everyone

Today, in fact, it is even more necessary to "integrate everyone, especially the most economically, culturally, racially and gender fragile", safeguarding the "sacred principle" of excluding no one. In short, as a mother would do with her children: "inclusive, always".

All persons must therefore be "respected in their dignity and fundamental rights", especially if it is a question of womenwho unfortunately are "more easily subjected to violence and abuse". Among them, the Pope Francis points out, as she has done on other occasions, economic discrimination - "they pay you less" - or even dismissal after pregnancy, a real "scourge".

The Holy Father's invitation is not to leave women victims of abuse and exploitation without a voice, to speak out of their pain and denounce the many injustices to which they are subjected.

On the other hand, space must also be given to the action of women themselves, "naturally and powerfully sensitive and oriented to the protection of life in every state, in every age and condition".


Another characteristic to be valued is creativity, in order to face today's challenges in a new and original way, since the "female contribution to the common good is undeniable", just think of the many women mentioned in Sacred Scripture or in the history of the Church who, with courage, have allowed "important turning points at decisive moments in the history of salvation". Among them are also the women "next door" who heroically carry forward "difficult marriages, children with problems...".

Pope Francis then declared himself edified by the determination, courage, fidelity, but also by the "capacity to suffer and to transmit joy, honesty, humility, tenacity" and patience of the women he met. women and mothers, that when they are entrusted with even complex tasks, then "things go better".

Harmonious synthesis

The Pontiff made a final reference to the recent context, notorious in recent weeks, related to artificial intelligence, where also here the contribution of women remains indispensable.

Faced with a scenario that is still unknown and not yet fully explored, where one travels by conjecture and approximations, the female presence would have "so much to say", because women "know how to synthesize in a unique way, in their way of acting, three languages: that of the mind, the heart and the hands".

A "brilliance" that women themselves, thank God, are also capable of transmitting to men.

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