
Bishop Omella recalls that "St. Joseph could not celebrate the birth as he wished".

The Archbishop of Barcelona and president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference addressed a Christmas message broadcast on Trece TV to all the Spanish faithful.

Maria José Atienza-December 24, 2020-Reading time: 3 minutes

Bishop Juan José Omella wanted to emphasize, in this message, that it is Christ "who gives meaning to our joys and sorrows, who accompanies us when things are going well and who sustains us when things go wrong", words that are especially meaningful at the present time. 

The teachings of Christmas

During this message, the president of the EEC underlined the teachings contained in "that first Christmas". He summarized these teachings in the following points:

Humility. With the vision of a helpless child, the Archbishop of Barcelona wondered if all Christians should not learn to become small and put ourselves on the same level as the smallest ones.

The example of Joseph. Before a year marked by the figure of the patriarchal saint, the president of the EEC wanted to highlight the figure of St. Joseph, a man who, like many families "Nor was he able to celebrate Christmas where he wanted to, nor with those he wanted to. The people of the place could not welcome them or did not want to welcome them. They thought that, with them, they could not fit them all and they left out the best, the most needy (...) Leaving them out, they missed the best. May this not happen to us".

Finally, he referred to the pastorssimple men, who "once again they are setting an example for us, practicing that special solidarity that exists among those who suffer." 

Christmas of a hard year

Bishop Omella wanted to emphasize that "we are celebrating the Christmas Eve of a very hard year.", marked by "a pandemic that has caused a lot of pain and has taken the lives of many people". and that has brought about situations of isolation or loneliness in these days, a pain to which Bishop Omella has invited "to put the best of ourselves so that those who suffer from this sadness feel the warmth of our company".

Call to serve the common good

Likewise, with an eye on the uncertain economic outlook of our country, the President of the EEC asked the political leaders and the public and private institutions "to provide the necessary means so that this new social and economic crisis passes as soon as possible. This is now the concrete expression of their vocation to serve the common good, without which there is no true political charity" and he offered the help of the Church "called, at this time, to reach out to the last home to bring company, comfort and help". 

Bishop Omella expressed his special gratitude for the work of the The people in charge of health care, doctors, priests in hospitals, the military in nursing homes, those responsible for logistics, cleaning, basic services, workers in supermarkets, schools, etc.," he said. So many people and social institutions". who have shown "greatness of spirit", going out to help the other ".on many occasions, risking their own safety".

Charity with the most needy

Finally, the Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona called on the faithful to live, "a more solicitous charity, a more intense prayer, a stronger commitment, especially to the poorest and neediest".while, for those who do not share the gift of faith, he has encouraged them to "to build an open fraternity, which allows to recognize, value and love each person beyond the physical proximity, beyond the place in the universe where he/she was born or where he/she lives." .

Bishop Omella concluded his message by recalling that ".In the midst of pain we celebrate Christmas, we relive the mystery of a God who became one of us to show us his tenderness and love. The authentic Christmas is and will always be a source of hope.

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