
The "Lolo" awards recognize the Catholic commitment of two professionals

The Catholic Union of Informers and Journalists of Spain, UCIPE, yesterday presented the "Lolo" awards for young journalists, corresponding to its XI and XII edition, to Ángeles Conde, editor-in-chief of Rome Reports, and David Vicente Casado, editor-in-chief of El Debate de Hoy.

Maria José Atienza-May 17, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
Photo UCIPE Lolo award winners

Monsignor Lorca Planes, bishop of Cartagena and president of the Episcopal Commission for the Media, presided over the awards ceremony together with Rafael Ortega, president of the UCIPEand Álvaro de la Torre, General Secretary.

This award combined the eleventh edition, which could not be held due to the pandemic, and the twelfth. The jury has valued in its decision the "extensive professional career, versatility, and his work in Rome, in the coverage of the Vatican information, and also in the human approach to other social issues, which has shown in his reports" Ángeles Conde; while it highlights David V. Casado's "clear Catholic commitment that he has shown in his work".
journalistic at the helm of "Today's DebateThe company's mission is to "promote a historical masthead initiated by Cardinal Herrera Oria and to position it as a reference in the field of opinion".

Ángeles Conde, editor-in-chief of Rome Reports Tv News Agency, thanked for this recognition, stressing that he will continue to "wear out the soles of his shoes" in search of the truth and to give a voice to the excluded.

For its part, David Vicente said, in his words after receiving his award, that it was an honor for him to receive this award, especially on the centenary of Blessed Lolo, and that it highlights "the values of such a wonderful profession as journalism".

The president of the CSM Commission, Bishop José Manuel Lorca Planes, encouraged journalists to "narrate reality with the criteria of truth. You have a profession that will fill your whole life: behind you there will be many people, readers, listeners, so you must think about the truth that you are going to transmit to them".

The "Lolo" awards

The presentation of these trophies took place, as is tradition, on the occasion of World Communications Day. The award given annually by the UCIPE is named after Manuel Lozano Garrido, "Lolo", the first lay journalist to be beatified, and seeks to recognize the career of young journalists committed to Christian values in their profession.

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