
The main points of the Pope's messages

Ramiro Pellitero-August 17, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
Mass of Pope Benedict XVI at WYD in Madrid.

What were the main points of the Pope's speeches in Spain? During the Rome-Madrid flight, Benedict XVI gave a preview of what he expected from WYD Madrid-2011: "For many people it will be the beginning of a friendship with God and with others, of a universality of thought, of a common responsibility that really shows that these days bear fruit." This trinomial that can structure the message that the Pope has left not only with his words, but above all, with his prayers and his affection.

Friendship with Christ

Friendship was the point of departure and arrival. Friendship among young people has originated from the reason for the summons of the great Friend, Christ; and it has been strengthened and widened according to the dimensions of the world. For this reason, Benedict XVI told them to strengthen the core of this friendship, which alone is rooted in them and guarantees happiness and joy, prudence and wisdom, and the union of truth, love and freedom: "Do not settle for less than Truth and Love, do not settle for less than Christ." because in Him is salvation and hope (homily at the closing Mass). Rooted in Christ, "we give wings to our freedom" (welcome party in Cibeles). 

Universality of the Church

Second, universality. Indeed, through their friendship with Christ and with each other, young people have discovered the universality of faith in the family of God. "To follow Jesus in faith is to walk with Him in the communion of the Church. One cannot follow Jesus alone. Whoever gives in to the temptation to go 'on his own' or to live the faith according to the individualistic mentality, which predominates in society, runs the risk of never encountering Jesus Christ, or of ending up following a false image of Him." (homily at the closing Mass).

Responsibility and strength

Third, the responsibility to feel part of that "network" that communicates the world with God, and that  "is an important reality for the future of humanity, for the life of humanity today". Responsibility that grows by looking at the cross (which was not a failure, but an expression and gift of love), and translates into the "capacity to love and sympathize".suffering with others, for others, for love and justice (Stations of the Cross, and speech at St. Joseph's Institute). The Pope leaves them an assignment: "Do not keep Christ to yourselves. Communicate to others the joy of your faith." (homily at the closing Mass). Friendship, universality, responsibility; following Christ, love for the Church, witness of faith and love. The day after WYD-Madrid-2011, a new stage begins, from the heart of each one of us and of the Church, towards God and towards others.

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