
"The life of the Mozarabs changes to the rhythm of the Andalusian state".

The II International Congress on the History of the Mozarabs presents a wide range of subjects of study and the current affairs of the persecuted Christians.

Maria José Atienza-February 15, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
II Mozarabic Congress poster

How did the life of the Mozarabic communities develop under Islamic rule? What connection can these communities have with today's Christian communities living in territories dominated by Islamic confessional governments?

The II International Congress on the History of the Mozarabs "Past, present and future of a community under Islamic rule."The exhibition will address these and many other aspects of the history of the Christian population of the Visigothic kingdom that lived through the imposition of a new Islamic government.

A situation that, from the 8th to the 13th century, was predominant in most of the Iberian Peninsula and that gave rise to the development of a culture, language, liturgy... etc., of great interest both in the academic and informative fields. 

Poster II Mozarabic Congress

This II International Congress on the History of the Mozarabss, promoted by the Cathedral Chapter of Cordoba and the Diocese of Cordoba, is directed by a tenured professor at the University of Seville, Gloria Lora who wanted to point out for Omnes the "risky and different approach" it proposes, given that "the study of the Mozarabic communities from the 8th to the 13th century is combined with the study of Christians who are currently persecuted in areas such as Iran".

However, as this medievalist has emphasized: "Their situations are very different, since the Mozarabic communities were under the status of the dimmaThe "Islamic Code", a limited protection by which the Christian communities had certain rights in exchange for recognizing the superiority of Islam and Muslims in all fields of life and an expensive fiscal subjection. 

Coexistence not always peaceful

The professor of the University of Seville has also pointed out the diversity of situations under which the Mozarabic communities lived "it is a history that spans from the eighth century to the thirteenth century. The situation of these communities changed in step with the history of the Andalusian state. It is incomparable the situation of the beginnings with the practical persecution in the XI century... there are moments in which the coexistence of both societies takes place, and moments of great confrontation".

One of the original points of this Congress is the study of the current persecution of Christians by Islamic states in the world. Authorities in the field will speak on this subject together with direct witnesses of the drama that is being experienced in some areas where Christians are persecuted for their faith.

The II International Congress on the History of the Mozarabs "Past, present and future of a community under Islamic rule", which will be held in Cordoba from April 15 to 18, will feature, in its programThe event will feature presentations by archaeologists, Arabists, paleographers and philologists who will address the study of the Mozarabic idiosyncrasy from their different fields. 

The Congress will be completed with a program of parallel activities including exhibitions, round tables, two lucernaria or vespers in the Cathedral of Cordoba and a Solemn Hispano-Mozarabic Mass.

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