
The lives of missionaries, an example for all Catholics

The exhibition "El Domund al descubierto" that will be held this year at the Centro Cultural San Marcos de Toledo aims to "raise awareness among our fellow citizens of the work carried out by our nearly 11,000 Spanish missionaries around the world".

Maria José Atienza-October 6, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
world mission 2021

Photo: ©Memoria Actividades OMP 2020

October is the missionary month par excellence. There are numerous activities and events that the various dioceses celebrate around the Day of the Missionary. Domund. One of them, driven by Pontifical Mission Societies of Spain is "El Domund al descubierto", which includes an exhibition on the missions as well as various activities and meetings of a missionary nature that will take place this year in the dioceses of Castilla La Mancha.

The exhibition

The Exhibition "Domund uncovered". will have, in this edition, two different parts as Antonio Aunés, in charge of it, emphasizes, "on the one hand, the complete collection of the DOMUND posters will be exhibited. 80 very representative posters of this day and through which we will be able to contemplate the different graphics, the designs, the evolution of the slogans..., etc. To this is added "a second informative part in which, through various panels, a review of the missionary activity of the Church and the history of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Spain".

Aunés emphasizes that this simple exhibition, within our possibilities, wants to be, above all, a way to "bring people closer to the life and work of the 11,000 Spanish missionaries spread throughout the world and to emphasize their dedication, their generosity and the example that, for everyone, the life of these people represents today".

"The Christian vocation is a vocation to mission."

The exhibition will be inaugurated on October 21 by the Archbishop of Toledo, Francisco Cerro, That same day will take place the traditional proclamation of the Domund, which this year will be in charge of José Rodríguez Rey, well-known Spanish cook, chef of the restaurant El Bohío (Illescas) and jury of the program "MasterChef Spain".

For years now, the Domund in the open has been "touring" various Spanish dioceses. On this occasion, Toledo, immersed in the Jubilee Year of Guadalupe, has been chosen as the epicenter of the activities of the missionary October, as highlighted by the director of OMP Spain, José María Calderónduring the presentation of this exhibition.

Calderon took the opportunity to emphasize that "the World Mission Sunday is a concern of the Church to make all Christians feel responsible for the missionary task. To make Christians discover that the Christian vocation is a vocation to mission. There will be those who leave their country and go to other lands but we, from here, have to support them with our prayer, sacrifice and affection".

Collaborate with the mission

The PMS also emphasizes that "one can always collaborate with the missions in the Church". In this sense, Antonio Aunés recalls that "the intention of the exhibition is mainly to raise awareness, of missionary animation. But there are, obviously, various forms of collaboration: through prayer, participation or collaboration through initiatives such as the youth on mission during the summer or, of course, material collaboration, which is always necessary".

Campaign 2021

"Tell what you have seen and heard."This year's World Mission Campaign has a markedly youthful and testimonial accent. There are five young people who this year, through testimonies, express the personal richness that the mission has meant for them in different locations in South America and Africa. An announcement that concerns all Christians, as recalled in the presentation of the exhibition both the director of OMP Spain and the Archbishop of Toledo, Msgr. Francisco Cerro, who pointed out that "if we want the World Mission Sunday to have repercussions, it must be announced". 

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