
Poverty knows no dates

Omnes-January 2, 2018-Reading time: < 1 minute

Poverty lasts 365 days a year. Although at Christmas time people are more sensitive and cooperate more".

Text - Fernando Serrano

"We are called, therefore, to reach out to the poor, to meet them, to look them in the eye, to embrace them, to make them feel the warmth of love that breaks the circle of loneliness."With these words, Pope Francis, in his message for the First World Day of the Poor (November 19), encouraged us to keep in mind the most disadvantaged in society.

The situation in Spain is improving, but not sufficiently so

When one thinks of poverty, the first image that comes to mind is of the most disadvantaged areas of the world: those countries where per capita income does not exceed two dollars a day. But poverty also exists in Spain. According to the EAPN-Spain report, The state of poverty, monitoring of the poverty risk and social exclusion indicator in Spain.Since 2008, the number of people at risk of poverty has increased by more than 1,242,000.

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