The Vatican

Universal fraternity as a cultural option

The Fratelli Tutti Foundation is the promoter of the meeting that on June 10 will bring together young people, Nobel laureates and the Pope himself in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.

Giovanni Tridente-June 2, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Fratelli Tutti

A participatory process to help rediscover the meaning of fraternity and build it together through dialogue, knowledge, encounter, words, shared gestures and the experience of beauty.

With these intentions in mind, the worldwide event inspired by the Encyclical "The Encyclical Fratelli tutti of Pope Francis.

The activity is promoted by the Fratelli Tutti Vatican FoundationThe event, instituted by the Holy Father on December 8, 2021, will involve more than thirty Nobel Peace Laureates, who will participate in a series of initiatives that will take place throughout the afternoon, until late in the evening.

In fact, there will be performances by artists and testimonies... with the aim of sensitizing "individuals and communities to commit themselves to a radical change" - reads a note - in reference to the central message of the Encyclical of Pope Francissigned, as will be recalled, in Assisi in October 2020.

Among the other objectives of this major event is to promote the fraternity and social friendship between individuals and peoples, trying to overcome loneliness, marginalization, forms of violence and slavery, and the roots of the many wars raging in the world, starting with the tormented Ukraine.

During the initiative, the winning project of a special contest on fraternity launched in all Italian schools with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education will also be illustrated. There will also be live connections with some of the most significant squares in the world: Jerusalem, Buenos Aires, Bangui, Tokyo, among others.

There is great expectation before the reading of the text of the Declaration on Human Fraternity that the more than thirty Nobel Peace Prize laureates will deliver directly to Pope Francis, in line with the Document on Human Fraternity which the Pontiff himself signed in Abu Dhabi in February 2019, together with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb.

In addition, at the closing of the event - which can be followed on social networks with the hashtag #notalone - there will be a very emotional and significant moment, which will be the big hug in which hundreds of boys and girls from all over the world will participate along the majestic Bernini colonnade in St. Peter's Square.

In the letter of invitation sent for the occasion, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, president of the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, as well as vicar general of His Holiness for Vatican City, emphasizes the value of the "experience" of this World Meeting, which "can be a first step towards the construction of fraternity as a cultural option".

Not in vain, in his Encyclical, Pope Francis invites everyone to "relaunch a new anthropological paradigm on which to rebuild choices and lifestyles, programs and worldviews," knowing that fraternity is an excellent ingredient for promoting freedom and equality.

The Papal Basilica of St. Peter, the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development and the Dicastery for Communication are also collaborating in the event.

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