The Vatican

"The catholicity of the Church, asks to be welcomed and lived in every age."

This is what the Holy Father says in his Message for the 107th Day of Migrants and Refugees, in which he emphasized that "in the encounter with the diversity of foreigners, of migrants, we are given the opportunity to grow as Church".

Maria José Atienza-May 6, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Holy See has made public the Message on the occasion of the 107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. A message in which Pope Francis fixed his gaze on the common future of humanity, recalling that "we are all in the same boat and we are called to commit ourselves so that there will be no more walls separating us, that there will be no more walls separating us, that there will be no more walls separating us, that there will be no more walls separating us, that there will be no more walls separating us, and that there will be no more walls separating us. othersbut only a wegreat as the whole of humanity. For this reason, I take the occasion of this Day to make a twofold appeal to walk together toward a we I will address myself first of all to the Catholic faithful and then to all the men and women of the world".

The Holy Father wanted to emphasize the Catholic and universal identity of the Church, which must lead Catholics to "go out into the streets of the existential peripheries to heal those who are wounded and to seek out those who are lost, without prejudice". In this sense, the Pope made a call to "rebuild the human family, to build together our future of justice and peace, ensuring that no one is excluded".

The Message was also presented at a press conference by Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.I., Undersecretary of the Section for Migrants and Refugees of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Rev, Undersecretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Rev. Father Fabio Baggio, Undersecretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Rev. Alessandra Smerilli, F.M.A. Undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, and in a virtual way, H.E. Msgr. Paul McAleenan, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and Ms. Sarah Teather, Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service UK.

In his speech, Cardinal Czerny pointed out the idea reflected in the Pope's message that "'we are all in the same boat' with regard to the covid-19 emergency. We all suffer differently. What happens when all the survivors in a lifeboat must contribute to rowing to shore? What if some take more than their share of the rations, leaving others too weak to row? The risk is that all will perish, both the well-fed and the hungry."

For its part, Fabio BaggiThe company wanted to develop in four points the dimension of the wewhich must aspire to be as great as humanity, in full correspondence with God's creative and salvific plan. The second point is an application of the we to the Church, called to be a home and a family for every baptized person. The third point is a reference to the "Church going out", so dear to the Holy Father, called to go out to meet "to heal those who are wounded and to seek out those who are lost, [...], ready to widen the space of her tent to welcome everyone."

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