
iMisión unveils its "7 secrets to evangelize on the Internet".

The digital evangelization platform launches its new offer of online courses CONECTA with which it intends to train Catholics to be digital evangelizers.

Maria José Atienza-December 3, 2020-Reading time: < 1 minute

Xiskya ValladaresThe sisters of the Purity of Mary and the Marianist priest, Daniel Pajuelo, are the driving force behind these Evangelizing on the Internet through which these two "influencers" want to train Catholics in the spirituality of digital evangelization and in all those tools and techniques that allow them to move with ease and manage their social networks in a more professional way. 

This first CONECTA course, which is carried out through the Udemy platform, has the following objectives to help all those interested in Internet evangelizationThe objective of the seminar is to provide the participants, whether they are consecrated persons, religion teachers, youth, managers of online communities, etc., to learn about the evangelical criteria that allow discernment in this type of mission, as well as the teachings of the magisterium of the Catholic Church on digital evangelization and practical cases of digital evangelization.

In addition, they will discuss the risks and opportunities offered by the Internet in the field of evangelization that make evangelization on the Internet fail and how to practically manage this type of task.

Specific courses

In addition to knowing the keys to proclaim and live the Gospel in the digital environment, iMission will provide specific training modules for each social network: Being a missionary on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Tik Tok or Twitter. For this purpose, it will count on the participation of well-known evangelists in the digital environment such as Ester PalmaSpanish missionary in South Korea or Paulina Núñezcommunity manager of Regnum Christi in Spain.

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