The World

"I cattolici di Russia, Ucraina, Kazakistan, Bielorussia, restano uniti".

Among believers there is no division. "I cattolici di Russia, Bielorussia, Ucraina, Kazakistan, sono uniti nella preghiera e cercano la pace", ha affermato Sviatoslav Shevchuk, arcivescovo maggiore della Chiesa greco-cattolica ucraina, in una conferenza stampa online organizzata da Aid to the Church in Need (ACN ) sulla crisi ucraina.

Rafael Miner-February 6, 2022-Reading time: 4 minutes

Testo originale in inglese qui

"The same Nunzio in Minsk [capital of Belarus] is praying for peace in Ukraine and is very grateful to the Catholics of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, because they are united in the search for peace," added the Ukrainian Archbishop, in a conference in which Bishop Visvaldos Kulbokas, Apostolic Nunzio in Ukraine, also participated.

The Ukrainian archbishop Shevchuk has underlined another aspect: the crisis in Ukraine is not only in Ukraine, but has effects on Europe and the world, in four aspects: military, disinformation and propaganda, politics and economy. This topic will be dealt with later, but now let us listen to what he has to say regarding the current situation:

"In this conflict, Ukraine is only one part of the whole global framework of the crisis. Obviously, we have a peace. Because of our historical and geographical position, we are the most exposed country. We are in the front line. But the Ukrainian crisis is not only a problem for Ukrainians. It has consequences for the whole world, for the European Union, for the United States and for the NATO countries".

"War is the best way to respond to problems," he said. "Our hope today is that, with the vigilance and support of the international community, we can all say no to war. We are witnessing with our eyes a true idolatry of violence that is growing in the world. We Christians must say loudly no to military action as a solution to the problems. Only dialogue, cooperation and solidarity can help us to overcome every kind of difficulty and crisis".

Previously, the archbishop underlined that "we feel we have reached the culmination of a pericolous escalation and military aggression against Ukraine. "It is true that our country has been attacked by Russia for eight years, but the escalation we are witnessing today is not a mere continuation of the war in the Donbass or a consequence of the annihilation of the Crimea. We are witnessing an escalation of the conflict between Russia and the Western world, in particular the United States".

"La prima cosa è pregare".

In this context, the Greek-Catholic archbishop acknowledged that they are studying "what to do in case of an invasion". And now "we are promoting a network among us, 'facciamo rete', we develop cooperation among the churches, helping them to defend themselves. His proposal, and that of the other priests, is based on "three answers to the current situation".

"The first thing to do is to ask. We have seen it yesterday in a meeting of the faithful. Today all of Ukraine will recite the Rosary together. The prayer is very important. The second: solidarity with those who need it. Last year they made a collection for the needy. And this year another one to help those who need to heat their homes: helping to overcome the winter is fundamental. The third: to nourish our hope, we must be bearers of hope". "We believe that God is with us. We must have this light and be announcers of the good news for those who have pain, who are disoriented, who have fame, who have cold".

Then there is the "strengthening of the Ukrainian society to feel all united", a topic to which Nunzio has also referred. There are many friends from different faiths who want to commit themselves, to help others. "We hope to be able to say together no to war, no to violence. Military action is not the solution to any of our problems. Dialogue and cooperation are".

"Un vero cristiano non promuove mai la guerra."

Nuncio Kulbokas has affirmed, in a conference, that the Church is above politics. We must be able to speak of fraternity, of respect, of dialogue. We must not leave controversies only in the hands of politicians. We want to "promote peace. Pregare, non aggredire, he added. "A true Christian never promotes war" - he underlined. Si promuove piuttosto la coesione. In a special way we want the conversion of the hearts of those who govern".

At another point, Nunzio also pointed out the goal of "strengthening Ukrainian society" and added that the faithful, the believers, are much more united among themselves than the government or politicians. He also gave a personal testimony, underlining that it is very beautiful to work there, "because in Ukraine the Churches of the East and the West are united" and he can see it in his own work, in his daily commitment.

Attending the visit of Pope Francis

Bishop Visvaldos Kulbokas has expressed the "concern" with which the Pope follows the situation and his request for a prayer made in the Basilica of San Pietro, as he reports Omnes. The Greek-Catholic archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk added: "Even if the majority of Ukrainians are orthodox, Pope Francis is the highest moral authority in the world. And every word he says about the situation in Ukraine, both at the Angelus and on other occasions, is very important to us. Our people are very attentive to every word that the Holy Father addresses to the "Ukrainian face", regarding our sufferings. But what the Ukrainians expect above all from the Pope is his visit to Ukraine. The possibility of his visit is our greatest expectation and we ask that one day this trip will take place".

What to do against disinformation

The archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk has recognized that what people fear most is that the evil information becomes effective. Russia wants to change the Ukrainian government, he said. Economically, Russia is using the price of gas as an economic weapon: this is the critical aspect; people cannot pay all the money needed to heat their homes, and this entails many problems. "In our case, what we have to do is to be informed, to ask and to be in solidarity with each other", he added.

When asked how to avoid propaganda and disinformation, he stressed the need to be in contact with the people on the ground. He has also encouraged the unity of believers of all religions. This escalation is putting the Ukrainian economy, which is in crisis, to the test, he continued. There are problems at hand due to the increase in the price of fuel, which is devastating the middle class, small printers, bakeries... The Church is helping to promote "alternatives for the heating of houses, including intelligent houses" that do not depend on gas.

"Sacerdoti, solo mediatori".

In the southeast of Ukraine, the communities are small and economically fragile and every parish has become a social assistance point in recent years, the archbishop explained. They are responsible for the distribution of food, food, including psychological assistance to people suffering from post-traumatic stress.

There is "immense poverty in these communities, and there are priests who live under the shadow of poverty," he said. To help the people in those territories is difficult, because they have to cross Russian zones, and "the priests are the only mediators", who do not leave and say: we are with our people, we do not escape, and if we have to die in Crimea, we will die in Crimea.

The architects have remembered that, in a recent studio It has been found that "people are very fond of the Church, of any confession. "How should we behave? It is a responsibility that derives from the same faith with which the population honors us".

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