
Towards a musical liturgical theology, a new discipline

A workshop has been organized in Rome from September 21 to 22 to open up new perspectives for reflection in the ecclesiastical sciences, particularly in relation to chant.

Giovanni Tridente-September 21, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

©OSV News photo/Gregory A. Shemitz

Is it possible to conceive of a theology that has as its ramification and specialization the aspect of "liturgical music?" Or rather one that can lead theologians to delve deeper into the foundational elements of liturgical music? To answer these questions in the affirmative, a workshop has been organized in Rome, September 21-22, which aims to open up new perspectives for reflection in the ecclesiastical sciences. Specifically, the experts want to determine how to accompany the "beautiful chant" linked to liturgical celebrations "in its depth, in its height and in its life".

In this sense, the promoters of this new discipline, who will meet at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in presence and streaming, intend precisely to bring forth a theology "made from the experience of the lived liturgy." A liturgical theology, in short, that "seeks to capture the spark of Christ that comes to meet us in every celebration".

In perspective, in addition to making it a discipline to be studied with all the methodological criteria of theological reflection, it is a matter of trying to make liturgical music familiar to every believer, so that every participation in the celebration may be ever more profound. It is not a matter of Musicology -the promoters insist on clarifying-, but of a Theology that brings together Philosophy, Music and Musicology itself in its method.

In the immediate future, however, if it begins to develop as a true discipline, this TLM (Liturgical Music Theology) can serve as a guide for chapel masters, choir directors and musicians, allowing them to choose repertoires and musical interpretations appropriate for each moment of the celebration.

The promoters of the TLM go on to explain: "It is necessary to know the theology of the specific moments of the Mass, but also - going a step further - the theology of the specific moments of each individual Mass," attending to the theological character of each concrete celebration. Understood in this way, liturgical-musical theology becomes "a guide so that music truly responds to the spirit of the liturgical action", as already requested by the Second Vatican Council in Sacrosanctum Concilium.

The Rome event

The Rome workshop - which will also be broadcast via streaming - will bring together experts from various fields related to the interdisciplinary nature of this new subject: theology, liturgy, philosophy, music and musicology. The first objective will be to initiate an epistemological reflection to properly frame the TLM, also in the academic field. Secondly, it is intended to lay the foundations for further academic research on these topics, with future congresses, different types of musical performances, prizes for musical compositions, etc.

The initiative is part of the MBM International Project, coordinated by Father Ramón Saiz-Pardo, who works at the Institute of Liturgy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Speakers will include professors from the University of Opus Dei, such as José Ángel Lombo; the Dean of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Rome, Jordi-A. Piqué; the Rector of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and the Rector of the Pontifical University of Opus Dei, José Ángel Lombo. Piqué; the Rector of the Pontifical John Paul II University of Krakow, Robert Tyrała; Marco Cimagalli, of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, and Juan Carlos Asensio, of the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya. A musical meditation on the Eucharist is also planned.

The authorGiovanni Tridente

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