
Gasol, Verástegui, educational innovation and values, awarded by the CEU

Pau Gasol, actor and producer Eduardo Verástegui, sisters Marian and Isabel Rojas Estapé (psychiatry and psychology), the innovation and educational collaboration of the Vithas group and the Guardia Civil, or alumni such as Juan José Cano (KPMG), were some of the winners at the 27th edition of the CEU Ángel Herrera Awards.

Francisco Otamendi-January 22, 2024-Reading time: 4 minutes

Gasol at CEU Awards ©CEU

These awards celebrated this year's edition with the presentation of awards to different personalities, institutions and companies. The Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, presided over the ceremony, in which he expressed "the fundamental role that CEU has played as an educational institution for 90 years". 

The president of the San Pablo CEU Foundation, Alfonso Bullón de MendozaThe President of the Board of Directors, Mr. José Luis Rodríguez, highlighted "the excellent work of all the award winners for their efforts to improve society and their contribution to the common good", and the fact that these awards have been granted to the winners. awards remember the figure of Ángel Herrera Oria, first president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists. 

Ángel Herrera Oria, later bishop and cardinal, was active for years in many fields, education, the media, directing El Debate for 22 years, and promoted important social initiatives, said Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza at the end of the event, which took place in a Madrid hotel in the presence of the nuncio, Bishop Bernardito Auza. 

For this reason, when it came to awarding these prizes, "we wanted to take into account these areas": education, with companies and institutions involved in educational innovation; collaboration between universities and companies, journalists dedicated to education; the media and the dissemination of Catholic culture; people involved in social networks and the Social Doctrine of the Church, and "committed people like the actor and producer Eduardo Verástegui", who has crossed the Atlantic. 

And we also "give awards to our alumni, who have recently graduated (Alejandro Escario), or are consolidated, such as the president of KPMG (Juan José Cano), who received his award from the president of Telefónica, José María Alvarez-Pallete. "We hope that these instilled values are being transmitted," he added.

Helping exploited families and children

Pau Gasol, who entered the ceremony via streaming, and whose award was collected by his father, Agustí Gasol, from the hands of former coach Vicente del Bosque, was awarded in the 'Ethics and Values' category for "his eagerness to help children and families around the world, who have inspired younger generations with his education, humility and leadership," the jury noted. 

In addition, it was recognized for its social commitment to children, promoting values and habits that support the health and well-being of children. In this same category, the prize was awarded ex æquo to Mexican producer Eduardo Verástegui: for "its unwavering defense of the family, life and human dignity, through film productions that raise awareness among viewers and address social issues," such as the exploitation of people.

Verástegui stressed the importance of protecting minors and those who lack the capacity to defend themselves, and referred to her film Sound of Freedom, film that denounces trafficking and child sexual abuse. "Freedom is not doing whatever you want, but doing the right thing," he said, referring to the great movement against the exploitation of minors that has given rise to his film.

Importance of positive disclosure

There was also space to highlight the importance of highlighting positive examples in the dissemination of content based on expert knowledge.

The Guardia Civil has been distinguished in the category "Educational innovation in the technology sector" for its outstanding work in the field of cybersecurity. This award recognizes the institution's commitment to the promotion of digital culture and citizen protection, especially through social networks, evidencing its efforts in the dissemination of cybersecurity. 

Marian Rojas-Estapé, psychiatrist, and her sister Isabel Rojas-Estapé, clinical psychologist and journalist, daughters of the psychiatrist Enrique Rojashave been recognized for their commitment to transmitting fundamental values to society, focusing on crucial issues such as family, marriage and the prevention of mental illness through social networks. 

Work of companies and entrepreneurs

In addition to the others mentioned above, the group Vithas has received its award in recognition of its outstanding business collaboration with the education sector. The award highlights "the hospital group's exemplary performance in patient-centered healthcare, as well as the commitment of its professionals to effective, efficient and effective medicine, characterized by its caring approach". 

Alejandro Escario has been awarded the CEU Ángel Herrera Award in the 'Junior Alumni' category for his commitment to putting his talent at the service of society. His outstanding contribution lies in the design of a low-cost incubator, which has allowed the preservation of the lives of numerous premature babies in developing countries, as well as serving as a source of inspiration for society".

Catholic culture and educational journalism

Hakuna has been distinguished for its outstanding contribution to the 'Diffusion of Catholic Culture'. The recognition is due to "its work in providing young people with diverse spaces where they can glorify God and express their faith through song and prayer". In addition, the award, collected by José Pedro Manglano and young people of the movement, highlights in the opinion of the Jury the work of the group from "the perspective of young people, promoting peace, unity and fraternity among the peoples and nations of the world".

Journalism and communication have also had their winners, as mentioned above. The winner was José Ignacio Martínez Rodríguez, collaborator of Vida Nueva, for a report on Catholic education in Mozambique. And the best journalistic work on the Social Doctrine of the Church was awarded ex aequo to the magazine Mundo Negro and the journalist Luis Ventoso, of El Debate. 

The San Patricio Foundation has also been awarded in this edition in the category 'Solidarity, Development Cooperation and Social Entrepreneurship' for its project Seeds for the Future.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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