
Omnes Forum: "Marriage in the West, from deconstruction to reconstruction".

This forum, organized together with the School of Canon Law of the University of Navarra, will address the reality of marriage in Western countries where more than half of all marriages end in breakup.

Maria José Atienza-April 4, 2023-Reading time: < 1 minute
webb marriage forum

Next Monday, April 17 at 7.30 p.m., we will have an exceptional Omnes Forum on the theme "Marriage in the West, from deconstruction to reconstruction".

The Forum, organized together with the University of Navarra School of Canon Law Carlos Martínez de Aguirre, Professor of Civil Law at the University of Zaragoza, and Álvaro González Alonso, Academic Director of the Master of Continuing Education in Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedural Law of the University of Navarre

This forum will address the reality of marriage in Western countries where more than half of all marriages end in breakup. A fact that highlights the need for greater pre-marital formation, as well as accompaniment by priests, lawyers and other married couples to carry on family and married life. All this together with a social regeneration that helps to strengthen and improve marriage and family bonds in the future.

The meeting will take place at the headquarters of the University of Navarra in Madrid (C/ Marquesado de Santa Marta, 3. 28022 Madrid) and, at the end, a Spanish wine will be served.

As a follower and reader of Omnes, we invite you to attend. If you would like to attend, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to [email protected].

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