
Cardinal Osoro encourages a culture of solidarity at the Sabadell grant ceremony

The Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Carlos Osoro, encouraged "building a culture of solidarity and encounter", and encouraged to ask "what can I do to build this culture?", at the ceremony in which Banco Sabadell granted financial aid to 33 solidarity projects for an amount of 447,000 euros, within the framework of socially responsible investment (SRI).

Omnes-October 11, 2019-Reading time: 2 minutes

The The projects chosen by Banco Sabadell to make the donations are mostly focused on most of them are focused on covering risks of social exclusion, solving basic food and health and health needs of various groups and to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities. living conditions of people with disabilities.

   To publicize the selected projects, a meeting was held a meeting was held with representatives of the NGOs and religious institutions that will receive the grants, at the Banco Sabadell auditorium on Serrano Street in Madrid. the grants, in the auditorium of Banco Sabadell on Serrano Street in Madrid. At the event, which was also attended by the Bishop of Avila, Mons. Tamayo, the former national soccer coach Vicente del Bosque, and Banco Sabadell executives, the Cardinal of Avila, Mons. Sabadell, Cardinal Osoro emphasized the importance of the "commitment to the service of the person", from "love of sympathy and empathy, especially with those who need it most". in need."and the need to "transforming the world with the logic of sharing and hospitality, not invididualism". invididualism"..

   At the ceremony, the economic resources from the 32.1 % of the 32.1 % from the management committee of the ethical and solidarity fund Sabadell Inversión solidarity fund Sabadell Inversión Ética and Solidarity Fund and Sabadell Urquijo Cooperación Sicav, which this year amounted to almost half a million million euros this year, with a further increase in the number of number of solidarity projects presented to receive solidarity grants from the ethical and solidarity fund of the from Sabadell's Ethical and Solidarity Fund.

   At The entity highlights the diversity of the projects, both geographically and in terms of the type of institution receiving them and the reason for the type of institution that receives it or the reason for which the grants are requested. the reason for which the aid is requested. Antonio Sáinz de Vicuña, president of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in Spain, spoke on behalf of ACN. (ACN) in Spain, spoke on behalf of some of the selected organizations, and pointed out that "In view of the description that preceded me of the the solidarity activities that Banco Sabadell is going to help, I can only say: "What good people this country has! I can only say: "What good people this country has! He then thanked the Sabadell "to have this social sensitivity and generosity generosity, in an environment that has been difficult for banking for some years now". Finally, he assured that those who deserve the support are "Christians who suffer peacefully the hardships of returning to Qarakosh (ancient Nineveh, northern Iraq), after an exile Iraq), after an exile forced by the brutalities and destructions of ISIS, the Middle Ages; this help of yours is added to the international effort to rebuild a habitat that was once of reconstruction of a habitat that was Christian since the first century of our era, and where prayer is still era, and where people still pray in the language of Jesus Christ. Aramaic-. Reconstruction not only of houses, schools and churches, but spiritual reconstruction".    The institutions receiving This year's recipients are Cáritas Diocesana de Zaragoza, Asociación Nuevo Futuro, Orden Hospitalaria San Juan de Dios - Hospital Infantil San Juan de Dios - Hospital Infantil San Juan de Dios. Future Association, Orden Hospitalaria San Juan de Dios - San Rafael Children's Hospital, Fundación Tomillo OT, Fundación San Juan de Dios - San Rafael Children's Hospital Rafael, Fundación Tomillo OT, Fundación San Bernardo, Casal dels Bernardo Foundation, Casal dels Infants per L'Acció Social als Barris, Comunidad de Adoratrices Córdoba, Asociación Adoratrices Cordoba, Asociación Lares, Asociación Aspanaes, Fundación Prodis-Programa "Empresa", Asociación Valenciana "Empresa" Program, Asociación Valenciana de la Caridad, Fundación Amigos de los Caritas España, Asociación Astrapace, Hijas de la Caridad San Vicente de Paul-Comunidad Comunidad de Comillas. St. Vincent de Paul-Comunidad Comedor Benéfico, Asociación para la Solidarity, Boscana Foundation, Asociación Asleuval, Asociación Ademna Centro De Día, Fundación Ademna Centro De Día, Fundación Acción Franciscana, Asociación Ademto, Fundación Down Madrid, Fundación Down Madrid, Fundación Down Madrid, Fundación Down Madrid, Fundación Down Madrid, Fundación Down Madrid. Ademto, Fundación Down Madrid, Fundación Benito Menni, Ayuda a la Church in Need-ACN España, Asociación Cesal, Fundación Alboan, Asociación It will be, Manos Unidas, Fundación AD Gentes, Hermanas de la Virgen María del Monte Carmelo, Congregación de la Virgen María del Monte Carmelo, Congregación de la Virgen María del Monte Carmelo Carmel, Congregación de los Sagrados Corazones, Fundación Privada para la Lucha contra la Esclerosis Multiple Sclerosis and Centro de Educación especial Santa Teresa de Ávila. Teresa de Avila Special Education Center.

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