
Fundación CEU launches 'Haciéndote Preguntas', to analyze the big issues of the day

National experts from different fields analyze and give arguments about the major issues that concern today's society, from euthanasia, educational freedom to pornography or the use of screens and video games.

Maria José Atienza-June 9, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
ceu asking you questions

The project, led by the San Pablo CEU Foundation and ABC, aims to "recover certain issues of concern to society that are not present in the public debate", as pointed out by Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, president of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation, who states that "there was no proposal of this type in the education sector and we felt it was very necessary".

Among the interviewees who will be interviewed in this program we find reference names such as Marian Rojas, Jesús Muñoz de Priego, Alonso García de la Puente, Pilar García de la Granja, Luis Chiva or Toni Nadal, among others.

In the first episode, Alonso García de la Puente, director of the psychosocial team at the Hospital de Cuidados Laguna de Madrid, will answer questions from citizens of different ages about euthanasia and palliative care. Each week a preview will also be available for viewing and commenting on social networks, with the hashtag #Haciendotepreguntas.

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