
Keys for a pastoral proposal on holiness

Ramiro Pellitero-July 2, 2018-Reading time: < 1 minute

In his apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsutalte, Pope Francis recalled the call to holiness and pointed out the way to welcome it in today's world. But how should this goal be pursued? In the light of this document, Professor Ramiro Pellitero examines the keys to a pastoral approach to holiness.

Text - Ramiro Pellitero

A careful reading of the apostolic exhortation Gaudete et exsultate (19-III-2018, GE) allows us to extract some keys for the pastoral proposal on holiness in today's world.

Overview: the objective and the message

A first element is the objective proposed. The Pope declares that it is not "a treatise on holiness" (n. 2), but humbly intends "to make the call to holiness resound once again," which has more to do with a catechesis (echoing the Christian faith). And an indication on the mode or form: "seeking to incarnate it in the present context, with its risks, challenges and opportunities", which corresponds to the genre of a pastoral or evangelizing theology.

-What is holiness

Let us come to the message: holiness. Holiness is presented here in many ways: as a call (what appears in the title) or vocation, as a way (a term that appears more than 40 times in the document, often together with holiness) and as the action of the Holy Spirit (who enlightens and guides, gives life and impels, enkindles and strengthens with his grace especially Christians) in the Church and in the world.

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