
Bishop of Albacete promotes a weekly Mass for the end of the pandemic

Ángel Fernández Collado, Bishop of Albacete, has included the proposal of a weekly "Mass of Rogation" for this purpose in the diocesan action plan.

Maria José Atienza-January 20, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
Angel Fernandez Collado

In a letter addressed to the faithful and made public today, January 20, Bishop Ángel Fernández Collado remember that "As Christians, people of faith and hope, even now we can and must continue to help in this fight against the pandemic, with charitable love, and with such a natural and substantial tool among us as prayer. We must pray to God, our Father, so that this pandemic, which is causing so much evil and so many deaths, may cease and disappear".

In this regard, a proposal has been addressed to the priests and is included in the Diocesan Action Plan for "that a Mass may be celebrated during the week, or on Sundays in Ordinary Time, "by way of a rogation", at the usual times of the parish, making known to the faithful the specific day of the week and the time it will be celebrated, in which the main intention is: to ask the Lord for the cessation and disappearance of the Covid-19 pandemic.".

The celebrations will continue throughout the year except, as is evident, the Solemnities and Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter, the days of the octave of Easter, the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed, Ash Wednesday and the fairs of Holy Week.

In his letter, Bishop Fernández Collado reminded us that, as Christians, we have a commitment to citizen action, following the "appropriate measures that are being demanded of us". and also, "on our part, with the effective and powerful help of faith in God and prayer".

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