
The Ecclesia thread, a new stage after 80 years

With the hashtag #renovadosparaevangelizar, and after almost 80 years of journalism, the magazine Ecclesia presented a new stage in its informative journey to a large audience at the Fundación Pablo VI in Madrid on October 22.

Omnes-January 25, 2019-Reading time: 2 minutes

The event was attended by a broad representation of different ecclesial institutions, including the bishops who are members of the Episcopal Commission for the Media, as well as the media delegates of the Spanish dioceses, who were in Madrid to participate in their annual assembly.
Irene Pozo, TRECE's Content Director, moderated a lively debate between Jesús de las Heras, director of Ecclesiaand the directors of WordAlfonso Riobó, and Vida NuevaJosé Beltrán, who analyzed various aspects related to religious information and the way in which challenges such as the rise of digital content and the growing number of digital media can be addressed. fake news.

Luis Argüello, as well as the president of the Episcopal Media Commission, Bishop Ginés García Beltrán, had words of support, recognition and encouragement for the team from Ecclesia. "These are two bodies on which we depend."The latest issue of the magazine, which reflects the wish of the Secretary General, points out: "A renewal that goes beyond aesthetics to narrate the Gospel in a new way and to call society to the culture of encounter".

"Ecclesia is one thread, but there are others like Word or New Life, and hopefully together we can make a network for this ecclesial discernment that summons our fellow citizens to the culture of encounter and that Ecclesia helps spread the Word for a New Life." added Luis Argüello, making a play on words..

For his part, Ginés García Beltrán recalled that Ecclesia is The Church is "the unofficial organ of the Spanish bishops and wants to remain so". "It does not want to be, nor does the Church -he added, "We want it to continue to be faithful to the Church and to respond to the challenges it faces today, opening new paths and, as in the past, being an instrument of synodality, with a double mission: to communicate and transmit the voice of the Pope and the pastors, but also to gather the life of the 70 particular Churches in Spain, with their rich reality of associations, movements and congregations".

The director of Ecclesia, Jesús de las Heras, pointed out, among other things, that "The Second Vatican Council is indebted to Ecclesia. Moreover, the reception of the Council was more possible thanks to Ecclesia.". According to De las Heras, "Now we come with a new skin, but the soul has to remain the same because we are Ecclesia, we do not hide our identity. You will see it in the logo: we do not hide the cross. Nor can we hide our purpose: to look at ourselves, to self-referentialize? No, to evangelize.

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