
Day of the Virgin in Torreciudad: "Together with Her, everything is arranged".

Torreciudad hosted yesterday the celebration of the Day of the Virgin, whose feast is commemorated on the Sunday after the Assumption of the Virgin. The celebration was also the framework for the inauguration of the new rector of the Sanctuary, Ángel Lasheras.

Maria José Atienza-August 23rd, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

Ignacio Barrera, Vicar of Opus Dei in Spain, was in charge of presiding at the Holy Mass in which he encouraged the faithful to turn to the Virgin Mary with the confidence of children: "Together with her, everything in our life is arranged".

For his part, the new rector also indicated his desire to "give continuity to the work of my predecessors and develop new projects to spread devotion to the Mother of God to many more people".

The Eucharistic celebration was followed by the recitation of the Rosary and the procession of the image of the Virgin through the arcades of the sanctuary, which was carried by neighbors from the nearby towns of Secastilla, Ubiergo, Bolturina, Graus, La Puebla de Castro and El Grado.

After the procession, it was time for the traditional offering of babies to the Virgin in front of her image. Each family was able to pray the offering prayer and presented an offering to the Virgin that will be distributed among needy families in the area in collaboration with Caritas Diocese of Barbastro-Monzon.

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