
From the White House to the Holy See 

Santiago Leyra Curiá recommends reading From the White House to the Holy Seeby Rafael Navarro-Valls.

Santiago Leyra Curiá-June 23, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
From the White House to the Holy See


TitleFrom the White House to the Holy See
AuthorRafael Navarro-Valls
Pages: 240
Editorial: Almuzara
City: Cordoba
Year: 2022

New and exciting book by Rafael Navarro-Valls. As an expert in American political history and the Catholic Church, he has already written three books analyzing the presidencies from F. D. Roosevelt to Obama and the popes from St. John Paul II to the beginnings of Francis' pontificate.

In this new work, he analyzes President J. F. Kennedy and his brothers Bob and Ted from the perspective of the attacks and scandals they lived through; he refers to new data on Nixon (Watergate); Obama's visits to Cuba and Spain during his last year in power; the failed candidacy of Hillary R. Clinton and her duels with Obama and Trump; Trump's four years in the White House, including his remarkable clinging to power and the dramatic duel with the blond president that marked the election of Joe Biden, until his inauguration.

On the other hand, Navarro-Valls analyzes new and interesting data on St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as the pontificate of Pope Francis so far. Finally, the author adds some historical anecdotes about his brother Joaquín, the first lay spokesman of the Holy See. In short, a book that reads with great pleasure and provides relevant novelties.

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